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Sunday, July 19, 2009

What Makes Acai a Scam? Acai and Free Trial Offers Explained

By Travis Van Slooten

The deluge of free acai trial offers promoted in the internet recently have gotten people asking - Is acai a scam? The old adage may say "All good things in life are free," but it doesn't follow that all free things are good. In fact, in the case of acai supplements, free offers often indicate an acai scam. If you stop to consider it carefully, you will also wonder how the company can possibly earn if so many consumers will just decide to avail of the free trial and not sign up for a regular subscription afterwards.

What is the offer?

At first glance, a free trial offer for acai supplements may sound like a risk-free proposal. Who wouldn't want to be able to try the potential health benefits of acai at no cost at all? This would even sound downright wonderful to those who want to take advantage of the said weight loss effects of acai berry. Many consumers have been lead down the path of deceit because this is how they saw the free acai offer: a harmless gift from a legitimate company. They easily forget how even the most successful food companies only hand out bite-sized samples or offer few sips when promoting a new product because it simply wouldn't pay to give out so much.

What Do They Actually Send Me?

To establish their credibility with you and to keep their "name" intact, you will most likely receive what was promised in the offer. If it's a 30-capsule bottle promised, then you'll get just that. The question however is whether the free sample has any value at all. I wouldn't bet on it. Free acai capsules reportedly valued at $50? Maybe $15 would be nearer to that actual cost.

How do they do it? You will likely still get the 20 or 30 capsules as guaranteed but don't hope in these being of any nutritional value. But in being able to deliver as promised however, you will somehow think that this is a reliable company, and one worthy of your gratitude. After all, who gives away a $50-worth of free items just like that? Also, you will most likely feel some improvement in your overall well-being after taking the free samples, not because the supplements are really effective, but more of a psychological effect because your mind would also be conditioned into thinking that you got yourself a really great bargain.

Is This the Acai Scam They're Talking About?

Getting inferior products for free isn't just the whole story here. It gets even worse. Instead of getting a freebie, you could end up spending hundreds of dollars without your being aware of it. That is, until your credit card bill arrives in the mail. What happened here?

The answer lies in the fine print. More often than not, there is a stipulation in the free trial that you have to cancel the trial subscription within a certain number of days otherwise they will have the right to charge you and send you a regular order every month. This is what most consumers fail to catch when they try the free offer. The only time they realize that they've been charged more than the shipping fee is when they receive their credit card bill. When they try to cancel, it would be very difficult even trying to reach a customer service representative of the acai supplement company.

How do they get away with making acai a scam?

These unscrupulous companies are able to perpetrate their fraudulent practices because of the many deceived customers, only few really go out of their way to demand their money back or make a formal complaint about these businesses. Most just chalk it up to a lesson learned the hard way and a hundred dollars down the drain. And all they ever wanted was a free sample of acai. But now you know the truth. Free acai is nothing but a bait to lure people to part with their hard-earned money for a bottleful of junk.

Free acai berry offers may be the easiest way to tell if a company is a scam, but they are not the only way. You have to be careful as scam artists can be very clever in their attempts to get into your wallet. For those asking is acai a scam, your best option is to simply stick with the well-known companies and reduce your risk to start. - 17273

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