Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

4 Arm Toning Mistakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There are lots of women who have it all wrong when it comes to nutrition for getting toned arms. Maybe you are one of them

If this is the case, you're not to blame. You see, all the marketers and product pushers have created a giant ball of flabby arm confusion.

I know because I used to be completely lost.

Luckily for you, I've cleared up the confusion though years of research and trial and error.

Thus, here are 4 arm toning mistakes that I discovered along the way:

1. Going overboard with protein. Protein has a lot of benefits, but if you have too much the benefits quickly vanish. How much is too much? More than 30% of your total caloric intake.

2. Assuming whole grains are key to arm fat loss. Whole grains are healthier than most processed alternatives. However, whole grains are not optimal for someone that is very sedentary. If you're just starting out with losing arm fat, then whole grains are ok. But eventually you'll want to transition into legumes.

3. Considering dietary supplements as being completely safe. If only the supplement industry were regulated, but it's not. So until the government steps up and oversees the supplement manufacturing process, be very critical of what you put into your body.

4. Allowing more than 5 hours pass between meals. Optimally, you want to eat every 3 hours for a wide variety of physiological reasons. 5 hours, however, is the absolute limit. Once you go past this time frame, arm-fat burning muscle gets wasted away.

Steering clear of the above arm fat no no's will make the process of getting toned arms that much easier. So make sure to take action on this advice now and not later. Because later usually never comes! And don't forget to view all the marketing hype with a critical eye. Only then will you be able to get lean and sexy arms once and for all! - 17273

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