Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, August 20, 2009

6 Arm Fat (And Diet Fat) Myths

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you're serious about getting rid of that loose arm fat, you absolutely have to consume a hefty amount of dietary fat. I know this sounds paradoxical, but it's very true.

Dietary fat plays too much of an important role in the female body for it to be excluded from any effective arm toning nutrition plan. It's that important.

Thus, here are 6 arm fat and diet fat myths:

1. Consuming a pile of fish oil pills is very healthy. If you have more than 3 grams of fish oil per day, you run the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Not good.

2. Small amounts of trans fat are fine. Major mistake. Trans fat will mess up your metabolism like nothing else. And Harvard researchers have clearly demonstrated that NO amount of trans fat is healthy.

3. Plant saturated fat is just as bad as animal saturated fat. There is a huge difference between the two. And plant saturated fat is very healthy for you. Coconut, for instance, does wonders for the female body.

4. Omega-3's can be stored anywhere. Keep them in the fridge. Why? Because at room temperature omega-3's (walnuts, flax seeds) can become rancid relatively quickly.

5. Eggs with extra omega-3 are super foods. If they could also take out the saturated fat from the egg yolk then I would buy into this. But they can't.

6. The less fat the better. Actually, the more fat the better. Why? Because as your intake of dietary fat increases so will your levels of loose arm-fat-burning hormones. Eat fat to burn fat!

Avoid the above misconceptions to optimize your fat intake. And remember that dietary fat is your best friend for losing loose arm fat. So the next time somebody tells you to cut out fat from your diet, ignore them! Only then will you be able to get sexy and lean arms. - 17273

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