Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

George Washington Weight Loss Expert Takes on Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

Losing weight is all about numbers; this myth is now being taken on by a person from the George Washington University area who is an expert in weight loss. For a long time you have been told that one pound lost on the weighing scale is equal to one pound of fat lost from the body. It is a myth and the worst misleading weight loss concept that if you weigh less, you will look better in a bikini. Look at it this way, a baseball is heavier than a beach ball, but a beach ball is pliable and soft, whereas the baseball is firm and hard. Now how would you like your body to be?

Honestly speaking a healthy body and good looks is all about the weight composition rather than the weight itself. One can weigh 150 pounds, however if the body fat contributes to 50% of the total body weight then you will most likely, not have a great physique. People will go to an unimaginable extent just to weigh less on the scales but it's a good thing we have a weight loss expert from the George Washington University area who has unveiled the truth about effective weight loss.

Its a well known fact that the rate of metabolism of your body is determined by the muscle mass you have. This in turn will also decide how good you will look in your swimwear. Maximum weight loss plans emphasize on making the weight on the scales go down irrespective of whether it is fat or muscle that is lost. One needs to address this fundamentally wrong approach to weight loss. One should aim at loosing fat and not muscle mass as muscles help in burning down more calories. It also helps you achieve a toned look while wearing shorts rather than the fat. Assume that you have lost body fat, say about five pounds and gained the same amount of weight in muscle. In the mirror it would seem as though you have lost ten pounds but the scales will show no changes in your weight.

In case you want effective weight loss my advice would be to follow the instructions of the weight loss experts from the George Washington weight loss centers. These weight loss experts advise their clients to measure their body composition, which can be done with a simple tape privately in your home. All you have to do is measure yourself regularly. Keep an eye on the inch loss rather than a drop on the scales.

An inch loss in men means the loss of 4-5 pounds of fat whereas in women it means 3-4 pounds. You should aim at maintaining your weight with a uniform inch loss from all parts of the body. To begin with, just measure all the areas and then start building more muscles in your body. Men can just measure their waist since men put on weight mostly on their waist. Women should measure their waist, hips and thighs. The measurement for women should be taken in the following manner:

*Hips- standing with your feet about hips width apart measure around the largest part of your backside

*Thighs- Make a mark six inches above your knee and take the measurement around the thigh at this point.

*Waist- It can be measured at the same level as the naval.

Ensure that the measurements are taken on a particular day of every week. Also, to ensure accurate results, you should visit the restroom before measurements are taken. This type of measurement will indicate actual fat loss and this practice is followed by almost all of the weight loss centers in the George Washington area. - 17273

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