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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weight Gain After Menopause and How to Avoid it

By Ricardo d Argence

Remember the days when you had a model figure like the ones you see on the cover of glossy magazines. It would seem like ages ago especially when you have reached the menopause stage. By that time bulging in the abdomen would be pretty obvious and would continue to gain around one pound per year. This may not be a good thing, but women need to face up to it.

Why is it so hard to maintain one's body weight after menopause? Some people would suspect a change in the hormonal levels for the gain in body mass. But what is more evident is the alteration in the mature person's lifestyle.

The days when you had tons of energy to do a bunch of activies and exercise are over. Food is now used as a pastime, for most people. And the older one gets, the slower the metabolism becomes, this promotes the body to replace muscle with fat.

In turn, fat burns lesser calories than muscle does and more fat decreases the body's metabolic rate. If all this doesn't seem applicable, then the increase in weight could be attributed to genetic factors when family members and relatives show the same tendency.

Some people do not mind having a little flab, but obesity has serious health consequences. We frequently learn about family, friends and co-workers who have hypertension, osteoporosis and heart trouble for no other reason than they're overweight.

The worst-case scenario is a fatal heart attack or stroke. On top of that if you gain weight your risk for high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes becomes greater. Those ladies who gain more than 25lbs. after going through menopause have a better chance of having breast cancer.

So what is a mature woman to do to reverse the weight increase phenomenon? If less activity and more food consumption would mean getting fat, then the sure way to turn it around is to do the exact opposite. This translates to getting into an exercise program that will help transform those fats into muscles.

Cardio-boosting aerobic exercises, as well as weight training, are fun ways to affect weight loss. Any form of physical activity which gets you moving, such as walking, biking or dancing, will do until you are ready for more strenuous exercise.

There are many delicious meals and snacks whose calorie count is not too high. Moderation is the key to a person's success in any endeavor.

The most effective and least costly medicine is always prevention. Therefore, a weight-loss program should be started before the onset of menopause. It important to learn to the lessons of keeping to an ideal weight by consuming good nutritional food while you're young. The key to good health throughout life is patience and discipline. Even during menopause, with the right attitude you can control your weight. - 17273

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