Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, August 13, 2009

4 Caloric Restriction Mistakes When Losing Flabby Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Being in a slightly negative caloric balance is critical for losing arm fat. If you really want to get rid of those flabby arms, you are going to have to eat less calories.

Now don't get all bent out of shape. You see, by paying attention to what foods you are eating, you can eat more food while eating less calories.

Now some women go about restricting calories the bad way. And if you do this, losing arm fat will seem like a nightmare.

So here are 4 things you should not be doing when trying to get into a negative caloric balance to lose arm fat:

1. Only increasing activity levels. Some women simply move more while not eating less. I do not recommend this approach. Although you can lose arm fat by simply moving more, your efforts will be far more effective if you actually tweak your diet.

2. Visual reductions. Simply reducing how much goes on your plate will not cut it. You have to pay attention to what you're eating, not just how much you're eating. Moreover, most women are not very good at estimating how many calories are in the food they're eating.

3. Measuring and weighing food. This type of approach is way too mechanical. Even worse, you'll definitely burn out at one point or another. We're simply not made to do such rote behaviors. Moreover, these types of practices can lead to eating disorders. Not good.

4. Overdoing it with energy pills. Energy pills have their place in very few situations. If you use them to continually suppress your appetite, you'll end up bingeing. Their stimulatory effect will last so long, and then you'll have an uncontrollable urge to eat everything. Trust me.

Getting toned and sexy arms should be a healthy process. If you've been doing any of the above please make some changes. This will prevent you from rebounding and gaining all the arm fat back once you stop. And rebounds are so demoralizing that they should be avoided at all costs. Good luck! - 17273

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