Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Best Ab Workout Is A Full Body Workout

By Jose Loni

The best ab workout works many segments at once; it does not focus on just the abs. It is a misconception that in order to have ripped abs, we need to do ab crunches or use an ab machine. Television ads constantly sell products that are not effective at developing six pack abs. The best ab workout actually trains many segments of our body, giving an overall full body workout, which can be done by training with resistance, interval training, controlling what we eat and decreasing our stress.

Training the abs is good to help increase the strength and stability of the abdominal and lumbar area. However, spot reduction is not effective to achieve six pack abs. By training many segments at once, we force the body to burn fat, which will help expose the underlying abs in the stomach area.

Doing multi-joint exercises with resistance helps to increase the body's metabolism. Not only does our body become more defined and toned, but the increased muscle mass increases the metabolic activity of the body and helps burn excess body fat, which is stored in the belly.

Interval training has been effective in increasing the metabolism of the body to utilize the excess body fat and burn it as fuel. The quick, high intensity intervals force the body to increase its metabolic activity. It makes the muscles more efficient at burning fat, which continues to burn fat well after the training session has stopped.

Monitoring what we eat can help us control our caloric intake. By consuming foods that are higher quality, which are made up of lean protein, and complex carbohydrates, we can fuel our body for its increased physical activities. We can control the calories we take in by avoiding sodas, sugar, and fatty foods, this way we will be better able to consume the calories we eat and not have any excess calories, which inevitably is converted to fat and stored in the body.

Instead of eating 3 large meals per day, we should eat 5-6 smaller portioned meals throughout the day to help us maintain our energy level for our daily activities and to keep our blood sugar levels from fluctuating up or down.

Decreasing the stress in our lives is an effective way to prevent further fat storage in our belly area. When we experience stress, our body releases Cortisol, a hormone that causes fat to be stored in the abdominal area. This fat is stored there to be used during a time of emergency.

By training several body parts at once, we are better able to achieve results in our abs. Making changes in how we train using resistance and interval training exercises, controlling what we eat and decreasing our stress levels will get us the fastest and best results for a flat toned stomach - 17273

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