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Monday, March 16, 2009

Why Your Biceps Aren't Getting Bigger

By Jason King

Almost all body builders that start a body building regime want bigger biceps. Biceps are the main part of the body that shows strength, and body builders like their shirts fitting tightly at the top of their arms. Because the biceps get a lot of attention they become the most over trained muscle which means for a lot of gym users their progress actually goes in reverse.

The first reason that most body builders train their biceps too much is because they pay too much attention to body building magazines. Nearly all magazines have an article that will help you get bigger biceps within 6 weeks. In the article you'll see a massive weight lifter, and he'll tell you his biceps routine.

A typical arm workout in a magazine will normally be a workout of about 20 sets of exercises. This is way too many sets to encourage growth in your biceps. You can give your back, cheat and shoulders a good workout with 20 sets, and your biceps don't require no where near this many sets. At the end of the article you'll normally see a photo of the body builder sitting their with his favorite protein shake in his hand. The article you read is an ad for the supplement he's holding, and is in no way intended to help you get bigger biceps. They want you to purchase the supplement.

When you exercise your back and shoulders, all the pulling exercises that you do will have already given your biceps a decent workout so giving them another 20 sets will definitely train them too much. Weight lifters in magazines can blast their biceps with 20 sets because they're normally on steroids and growth hormones. This type of routine is impossible if you're not taking any enhancement drugs.

After all the training you give your back and shoulders all you need to do to get your biceps to grow is about 4 sets a week. You don't need to punish your arms to make them bigger, your main requirement is to make sure you gain strength.

All you need to do is add extra weight to the bar every week, and as you gain more strength then your arms will get bigger. Getting bigger doesn't come with adding more sets to your workout. If you don't add extra weight or extra reps every week then your muscles won't have any reason to get bigger.

If you don't gain the strength to add extra weight or extra reps every workout then you need to look at what you're eating. To get stronger you need to eat enough carbs, protein and healthy fats to repair your muscles. Without the right balance of macro nutrients, and an adequate amount of them you won't get bigger. Consuming enough small meals spread out through the day will cause a natural anabolic effect in your body that will encourage extra growth.

Keeping a journal of hop your getting on will help you discover what is working best for you. When you get all of the little things right you'll start getting the gains you're after. - 17273

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