Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why Alkaline Diet is the Best Remedy for Pseudogynecomastia?

By Dustin Fennell

A good diet has been found to have far-reaching effect in significantly reducing and even curing pseudogynecomastia, a condition in which an adult male develops a lot of fat on the chest, giving rise to an appearance loosely termed as "man boobs".

In fact to get rid of this problem , which is a social embarrassment for most men, there are two things that can be really helpful: alkaline diet, chest fat burning cardio exercises. The main reasons for a man to develop pseudogynecomastia are due to acidic body PH, high fat deposition and hormonal imbalance.

Doctors and nutritionists stress on an alkaline diet for effectively curing this condition. The main reasons for men to develop this case are due to acidic body PH and hormonal imbalance. Men, who have a high percentage of fat on their body, tend to have acidic content that causes hormonal imbalance, which gives rise to excess estrogen production that overwhelms testosterone supply. Due to the storage of excess fat due to this hormonal imbalance, a man?s chest begins to look a woman?s breasts.

We should remember that our body has an alkaline nature with a normal PH between 7.35 and 7.45. Our diet should be more or less equal to this PH level and be alkaline. Acid producing food can deprive the body of essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium and zinc. The body's alkaline nature can be really helpful in curing pseudogynecomastia in a natural manner.

Stop eating food that contains saturated fats and trans fatty acids. Food that contains saturated fats includes confectioneries, calorie rich pizzas, junk food, biscuits etc. Trans fatty acids are found in food products made in hydrogenated liquid vegetable oils. Go for healthier options in oil like olive oil or rice bran oil that are rich in good fats.

When you are on an alkaline diet, stay clear of red meat, alcoholic beverages like beer and aerated drinks. Stop consuming foods that are made of saturated fats. Go for healthier options of oil like olive oil or rice bran oil. Saturated fat products include calorie laden pizzas, junk food and sugary sweets.

Man boobs have been cured in many men who have made dietary changes and latched onto an alkaline diet. So do not punish yourself by going for improper diet. Opt for a healthy physical lifestyle and see the new change in you.

Unlike gynecomastia which is predominantly hormonal based, pseudogynecomastia is due to eating the wrong diet and sedentary lifestyle. You can bring about a positive change with the right kind of alkaline diet and exercises. - 17273

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