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Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Five Components Of A Great Weight Training Program

By Mitch Graves

Do you often go to the gym and ask "What am I gonna do today?"

Most people only go to the gym, lift, and go home. Then they hope they'll see some growth. The more advanced lifters may drink a shake after, or enter the gym with a particular set of muscles in mind for the day.

Have you experienced significant growth with this strategy?

The vast majority of people don't see any growth and they wonder why. Then they think that they must take the right supplement because "the solution must be a bottle", or they must find "the right workout". WRONG.

The main reason people see stagnation and frustration is that they don't lift with a PLAN in mind. Lifting without a good weight training program suited to your goal is like going to class with no textbooks, or trying to start a business without a business plan.

It may sound foolish because it is. The secret isn't in the bottle or in the workouts. Quality weight training programs adapt to you as you get stronger and last several weeks.

Personal trainers wouldn't last long if they didn't create a plan for you or went to the gym with you and asked, "let's see what we'll do today". If they did, you'd ask for your money back and laugh. But I see so many lifters go into the gym to build muscle this way. To stop this, I've listed the five things you need in a great weight training program.

1. Expert Knowledge

You probably don't have a degree in how to build muscle unlike the creater of these programs. You can use this advantage to borrow from their years of experience and knowledge to shortcut you to your goals.

2. Step-By-Step Layout

This takes away the guessing about what to do that day in the gym. Basically, the only way to fail is if you don't do it.

3. Complete Package

Any personal trainer will tell you that its a hassle to put together a nutritional plan, a weight training plan, and a cardio plan. Let alone trying to do this yourself without the proper knowledge. Gret programs include all of this for you.

4. Fits Your Goals

There's a big difference from someone who's heavy and wants to cut and someone who's underweight and needs to gain. Great programs take this into account and let you choose because you can't chase two goals at the same time. The program should be tailorable to your body type, metabolism, etc. So you can see why one size fits all magazine workouts don't work.

5. Lasts Several Weeks to See Results

It takes time to see significant growth in your muscles. A four week magazine workout just won't cut it. When did you ever sign up for a personal trainer for 4 weeks? A good program will guide you for months. As you learn more about your body, you'll be able to create your own when it's finished.

To sum it up

Lifting without a program is like driving across the country without a map. Most people drive for their destination and hope their gas doesn't run out before they get there. You know this is unlikely, so it's time for a better strategy.

Good luck and Happy Lifting! - 17273

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