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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Massage Chair Therapy For Kicking Up Your Health And Wellbeing

By Jason Resnick

If you ask most people about their health being a priority, then will definitely say yes. However, if you observe their behavior, then you notice that their actions do not always match up to their words. It is kind of like New Year's resolutions. We make them and break them in a few days within the New Year. I think we like to think that we are in control, but then we must somehow lack the discipline to sustain the necessary action. We know that we are under more stress, yet we are not finding ways to relieve this stress. One very effective means is getting massage therapy from your own massage chair.

What happens to us when we come under stress? Stress causes a chemical reaction in our bodies. We become nervous and anxious. We start to worry. All of these are chemical reactions that need a way to reverse. Massage therapy is effective in reversing these affects.

Most people think a massage being delivered by a masseuse, but massage chairs are an effective means to receive a full body massage. They can massage you from your head to your toes. They are very effective in helping to release out the build up of toxins in the body.

What are the benefits of massage therapy? There are many studies that continue to show that receiving regular massage therapy helps in the following ways: It helps to remove toxins out of the body; it increases blood circulation; relaxes the muscles; increases muscle and joint flexibility to name a few. Also note that the studies point out that to obtain these benefits, massage therapy must be received on a recurring basis.

The convenience of a massage chair cannot be understated. The biggest obstacle we hear for receiving regular massage therapy is the time involved with going to a massage therapist. We just simply do not have time in our busy schedules to do this on a consistent basis. This is precisely why having a massage chair can be very convenient. You can get a 10 minute warm up massage before you hop in the shower or just before you go to bed. No appointment need and you have access around the clock.

We do want to point out that if you can get regular massage therapy from a masseuse, then that is certainly a great way to go. The relieving and soothing hands with the human touch are certainly fantastic. However, the convenience is where this can be a challenge.

The other factor in saving time with a massage chair is that the operations can be performed in parallel. A masseuse works one area at a time, then moves on to the next. Overall, it takes about 50 minutes to effectively cover the body. A massage chair works in parallel. It can massage the full body all at once. Working in parallel cuts down the total time required to get a massage.

Believe it or not, but a massage chair is actually cheaper than using a masseuse for massage therapy. A typical massage chair will run for 1,000 hours. Even if you pay $3,000 for a massage chair, you are actually paying $3 per hour of massage. A masseuse will run you $50 per hour and you still need to tip. You get convenience and a great economic advantage to help relieve your stress!

So is our health a priority? Do not just pay it lip service. It is your life. Are you just making another New Year's resolution that lasts for a few days or are you going to take care of yourself. Take a first step and get a routine of massage therapy going. How hard could it be to come home, take a seat and get a nice, soothing massage? You are probably already to start to relax just thinking about it. Take the next step and check out some massage chair recliners and start to counterbalance your stress. - 17273

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