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Monday, July 20, 2009

Great Exercises For Weight Loss

By Austin Stern

Every year people across the world make New Year's resolutions. These resolutions range from going back to school to saving up and buying that expensive car they have been eying for the past few months. But one of the most common goals people make around that time of year is the decision to get their butts into gear, and get themselves back in shape.

Working out is a great way to slim down and to build healthy muscle at the same time. When you push yourself beyond your normal level of physical work, you tear muscle mass, and over the next few days it repairs itself and your muscle strengthens and grows. It doesnt matter if youre pumping iron or running on the treadmill, youll burn calories and burn fat as well.

Of course, there are differences in what types of workouts you choose to do, as you stress different muscles in differing ways with each activity. But dont fear, youll be burning those extra calories no matter what, so long as you push yourself. Calories are the enemy, and so long as youre burning more calories than you consume each day, youll begin to notice a great deal of change in the weeks to come.

Cardio exercises stress the amount of oxygen the body can hold during strenuous activity, forcing the heart to pump faster and in turn forces the body to burn more calories. Some examples of cardio exercises are walking, running, swimming, and bicycling, just to name a few.Cardiovascular activity also boosts an individuals oxygen capacity, which allows them to run, swim, or overall be active longer with less stress on the lungs and heart as time moves forward.

When you do weight training (otherwise known as strength training) you lift weights which cause your muscles to tear, only to be built right back up again and stronger to boot! Because people can see the effects from strength training, it is one of the most popular forms of working out. Your body will become more attractive and toned, and hey, you'll get to burn quite a lot of calories while you are at it!

A great type of strength training is body resistance training. This is working out using only your body and gravity as resistance, rather than lifting dumbbells or free weights. Examples of body resistance training are push ups, jumping jacks and mountain climbers.

You can really burn fat quickly with strength training. Although you've probably heard that muscle can weight more than fat, it does, but do not worry. When you engage in strength training, you are building muscle which adds pounds (good pounds) but it also burns away fat quickly, causing you to lose very unhealthy weight.

New Year's eve or 4th of July and everywhere in between are all good times to start losing weight. You will feel better about yourself as well as have way more energy than you ever did before. Like the Nike commercial says, Just Do It! - 17273

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