Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Free Online Ab Workout - Free Video versus Paid Video

By Jose Loni

Information is the key, when it comes to free online ab workouts. You Tube and paid programming are great but you have to know some basic principles to see if the exercises shown or the product being sold will work. You have to know that spot reducing does not work and that dieting and exercising to increase your metabolism will help your body burn fat.

So for You Tube to be properly useful, we need to know basic health and exercise principles that can guide us to discern which videos are safe and effective, and which ones are bogus and could possibly injure us. We need to know that proper nutrition and exercise are key factors in raising metabolism enough to burn fat.

Paid videos basically sell you a product. The consumer must be very aware if the exercises and content of the video is valid or whether or not it is safe. Not all paid videos offer valid training. Some are just trying to sell their ineffective product by showing beautiful, fit and healthy models and linking them to the product.

Often times, people think that if the problem is a fat belly, you should just work the belly area. Spot reduction is not effective and to focus on the belly will not work and all the machines that focus training on the stomach are equally ineffective at giving you ripped abs.

Healthy eating will help prevent more fat from being stored in the body, while helping the body consume calories faster. The problem with the common diet is the high calorie content of the fatty foods, burgers and sodas that we eat. The problem with that kind of diet is when the body doesn't use all those calories, the excess calories are stored as fat on the body.

Proper nutrition monitors the amount of fat we eat as well as total caloric intake. When we're not adding to fat stores through diet and we exercise to burn whatever fat we already have, it would be easy to create a fat deficit, resulting in fat/weight loss. Foods to avoid are the fatty, fast foods and sugary snacks and sodas. Eating small, healthy meals throughout the day keeps us energetic and burning calories from the constant digestion. Small meals prevent overload and excess storage of food that wasn't converted into energy for immediate use.

Exercising to increase our metabolism is the sure way to really burn fat. Exercises that train multiple joints and incorporate interval training are great ways to increase the body's metabolism. By forcing the body to adapt to the intense training, the body ends up burning fat throughout the day to replenish and nourish the muscles that were used in the exercise session.

Free videos or paid videos, you have to be able to discern which is good and which is crap. Knowing that spot reduction doesn't work and healthy eating and exercising to jumpstart metabolism are the basic keys to effective workouts. If you find a video that has that, then it will give you the rock hard abs that you want! - 17273

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