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Monday, January 4, 2010

How To Use The Best Bicep Exercise To Grow Big Arms

By Rob Maraby

Most bodybuilders often debate about which bicep exercise is the best exercise when it comes to building muscle mass. However very few know which one are. So in this article I want to show you how to use the best bicep exercise to develop huge arms. The best bicep exercise would be the standing bicep curl and below is how you have to use it to build big arms.

The standing bicep curl is the best bicep exercise for the simple reason that it stimulates the entire bicep muscle but it also stimulates the stabilizer muscles as well as the shoulders and forearm muscles.

You need to apply the right intensity and allow the right muscle recovery in order for the bicep muscles to grow. The standing bicep curl does both very well and here is how:

-In order to grow the bicep muscles, you need the right training intensity, and the standing bicep curl delivers this because it allows the maximum amount of overload to be applied on the bicep muscles in the shortest period of time

The bicep curl allows the maximum amount of weight to be lifted. This is so because the movement allows leverage and this allows maximum muscle stimulation and therefore growth

The bicep curl is number one for the simple fact that it allows the maximum amount of intensity to be generated in the shortest period of time which means you need very few sets to get the maximum muscle stimulation for big bicep growth. Allowing lots of time for muscle to recover Muscle recovery is encouraged by performing one set of this exercise done once a week.

So grab a weight that allows you to perform 15 repetitions to failure on the standing bicep curl. Positive failure being the point where completing another rep is impossible

After you have performed the standing bicep curl to failure, put the weights down and rest for 8 seconds. When you are done pick up the weights again and perform the set to failure. Then rest another eight seconds and then pick up the weight again. You do this until you can't perform a single repetition again

15 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

9 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

6 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

3 repetitions

This is how you perform the best bicep exercise.

One set of this bicep exercise and you have nothing else to do. So apply this diligently and you will get the big arms you have always wanted - 17273

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