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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Juicing Changes Health for The Best

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. My job here though is to remind you that your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste the triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

Digesting food takes the first priority in the body mind. Looking for nutrition or cleaning up bad food is the body's first job. I'm searching for ways to emphasize that because it's very important because there in an intense cycle that repeats itself. To understand the cycle allows for healing or disease. When denatured or mineral-depleted foods are the mainstay of the body, the body uses it's supply of pancreatic enzymes to move a bolus of food through the body at any given time. As the body supply runs low food putrefies, disease sets in, the body has little or no energy to heal or restore homeostasis and a person finds themselves in a crisis.

Illness used as an opportunity to heal the entire Being, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically is the life altering miracle that some people write about. The idea is to eat as much organic raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. And you dont have to be sick to juice.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

Try these simple formulas: 1. Blood Building: 7 carrots, 1 beet with the greens and a handful of parsley. Add a green apple if you like. 2. Beautiful Skin: 2 Cucumbers, handful of parsley, 7 carrots, a green apple and kale. 3. Arthritis: handful of cherries, a handful of blueberries, and pineapple. Also try: pineapple, 6 carrots, and a handful of spinach. These three are only a taste of the many juice recipes you can play with. You will create many of your own favorites.

Juicing allows for simple assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Remember,always, that when ill you want to make all things as simple and restful to the body as possible.

As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. The middles of all stores contain that which is lifeless. In all times and especially in times of illness, eat from the outside live isles of your organic food store. Create an extra ten years of quality life by making a commitment to eat 75% whole live and organic foods.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

You Are Healthy, Ellen Valentine - 17273

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