Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to Get Fit to the Extreme

By Jesse Regan

There is a brand new sort of fitness training system that is making major waves in the health and fitness world today. The ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Program, which was created by Chalene Johnson, is a cutting edge and revolutionary workout system that primarily aims to get rid of all your unnecessary extra body fat, thereby transforming you and your body by giving you lean and sexy muscles. The workout, which is available in a series of videos, guarantees that you will achieve all these in just ninety days.

What is the secret of the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Program? It's actually quite simple: lean phasing. This workout has you exercising through the use of circuit training routines that are part of the training program. This makes your body able to transfer the spotlight from cardio routines to resistance exercises and back again, aiding in the body fat burning. This way, you generate more muscles, which is massively valuable in burning your fat. Apart from the increasing muscles that burn more body fat, your body's metabolism will amplify as well.

It has been said that lifting weights will make you bulk up instead of slim down. The ChaLEAN Extreme contests that myth by proving that the more muscles you have, the more you will burn fat. As a result as opposed to bulking up, you will achieve a leaner and toned body.

Before starting the workout routine, the proper form is needed so as to do the routines just right. This is because the workout entails using different kinds of resistance bands or weights. The workout video will start by showing you the right techniques so you can perfect your form and not hurt yourself or make the workout ineffective.

The workout series is set in three phases, each lasting thirty days. Each of the three phases highly charges your metabolism with the use of high intensity cardio and strengthening routines. Afterward, a relaxing flexibility workout will revitalize and lengthen your muscles.

Your workout starts with the Burn Phase. In this phase, you will be carrying out moderate training routines using light resistance weights or bonds. This phase will make a large increase in your metabolism possible. This thirty day routine will be the launch of those extra fat reserves coming off.

The next stage in the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout is the Push Phase. For the next month, your workout routine will focus on pushing you and the muscles that you have started to build past your comfort zone. You will be toning and strengthening different areas of your body one at a time and step by step.

The third and final part of the series is the Lean Phase. In this segment, you will be introduced to all new and dynamic workouts and techniques that will make all the excess fat your body still has left melt off. This phase has routines that work out your upper body, lower body and even your core all at the same time.

These are only some samples for great information about workout . - 17273

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