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Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Most Effective Body Building Techniques

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight lifting, for it to be efficient should require some helpful muscle building techniques. These techniques are intended for advanced body building who have achieved specific plateaus in their workouts. The following techniques are drop sets, super sets and negatives.

Drop sets are popular in a great many weightlifting circles as they entail forcing the body to lift non-stop while also dropping the amount of weight you lift in between sets. A common example of this would be performing a military press for 100 lbs for 10 reps then dropping to 90 lbs for 10 reps all the way down to zero.

Those that are in great shape and quite advanced will be able to perform the sets all the way down to 10lbs and 10 reps. Most would probably opt to stops at 80lbs since they might not have the muscular strength and endurance to go all the way to zero. However, such strength can be built over time.

Another form of effective exercise techniques are known as supersets. These types of exercises generally involve performing weightlifting sets back to back with the focus on targeting opposite muscle groups with no rest between workouts. Such exercises shock your muscles with the sheer amount of work they involve. This results in an effective muscle increase.

A common superset workout one would perform will include a bicep curl that is immediately followed by triceps extensions or even possibly a bench press. Afterwards, you would immediately perform a single arm dumbbell row for the upper back. Really, you could construct as many workouts as your imagination allows you.

The last technique is called negatives and they are the most effective of all. Yet, many people do not associate negatives with weightlifting which is unfortunate.

When you are weightlifting and you push the weights away from your body, your muscles will start to contract and perform a positive. When you release the weight, you are doing a negative. As a result, you work the muscles on the way down.

Why are negatives so helpful? They can be a bit challenging to perform and this aids in their ability to be effective.

To sum it all up, weight lifting is not all about who can carry the most, there are also techniques involved like all other sport. The three I've mentioned above are what I believe to be the best muscle building techniques for more experienced weight lifters. I wouldn't suggest this for starters as they could be shocked by the amount of effort they require.

You can choose to try the techniques for a day with the help of a trainer and see how your body reacts to the exercise. - 17273

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