Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Secrets to Fat Loss that the Weight Loss Industry Doesn't Want you to Know

By Josh Wintrop

Have you ever wondered why obesity and weight problems still affect hundreds of millions of people when there are literally thousands of weight loss products and solutions available today?

There are critics who place the blame on the overweight public, saying they are just stubborn. That simple folks like us are simply not capable of working our way towards a healthier life. The "health experts" have it wrong and regular folks are not going to take their insensitivity any longer.

There is a very good reason the majority of weight loss products do not work. There's a secret behind this failure that the weight loss industry is determined to keep quiet.

That secret is that the pills, supplements, fad diets are all simply not designed to work in the first place. The weight loss industry has a vested interest in people staying overweight, indeed, if their solutions were as effective as they claim then everyone would be thin and they would be out of business.

This is the dirty little secret that the healthy living, weight loss, dieting industry does not want you to find out about. They want you to have to buy more of their products, more of their pills, more of their jargon so they can become rich! This guarantees that they can continue to profit even as they lie to you about the effectiveness of their products.

Worse, these supplements and diet pills and products are artificial solutions. It does not matter how "safe" or "all natural" they make their products seem, they are still chemically altered or scientifically engineered. In fact, there is a good chance that you will shorten your lifespan if you continue to pack your body with hazardous diet and slimming products.

If you want to lose weight and realize an actual healthy lifestyle, then you will not find the answers in a pill. The real secret to effective weight loss is within you. The things that are keeping you overweight are in your gut and your bowels.

Years of eating unhealthy food, and living in unhealthy environments leaves your gut filled with plaque, parasites and other unhealthy, undesirable microorganisms. These unwelcome intruders live in your intestines, colon and stomach. But you keep putting in the same stuff that you always have and those things start to compact your system.

In fact, if you will allow these intestinal and colonic plaques and parasites to remain, they could reach an aggregate weight of as much as 25 to 30 pounds. Now, if you could flush these impurities out of your digestive system, how much healthier would you look and feel? Wouldn't it be nice to lose 25 to 30 pounds?

But the immediate weight loss is not the only benefit of flushing the organisms out of your body. There are many toxins, chemicals and other bad for you things trapped inside your digestive system. These things are constantly seeping into your system, causing all sorts of health issues.

If you have an inefficient digestive system, then you can not process everything that you consume. The excess nutrients are converted to fats and stored in your body. So no matter how many pills you pop, you will still not lose weight. When your system is backed up, it does not help you and will actually make any weight loss attempts, fail.

If you want to realize real weight loss results, then you need to get all the gunk out of your digestive system. In a few days you will see and feel results, as you will be thinner and healthier than ever before. - 17273

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