Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, November 13, 2009

How to Lose Weight and Get Rid of Body Fat

By Joen Devenport

1. The fat loss which happens in those first few days will more than likely be a combination of fat, water and muscle.

2. If you are losing muscle it is because your body has got into starvation mode and is actually started to eat itself!!

3. Losing water is often something that happens at the beginning of the diet especially if you are suffering from any sort of water retention. This is only likely to have such a dramatic effect in the first week of your diet and would finally settle down.

4. Week 2 may not be so easy. You may begin to feel hunger stings or even food cravings.

5. The body moves into starvation mode thinking that it isn't going to get enough food and so the metabolism decelerates to counterbalance and the chances of you being able to lose weight becomes more unmanageable.

6. Very soon after the first 7 -14 days you are likely to plateau. Your body requires time to adjust to the spectacular changes it is feeling and you may even feel a small weight gain. This is often the time when people give up. They haven't extended to lose fat and they think their diet isn't working. They are probably right!

7. If you feel any kind of spectacular weight loss it is highly likely when you resume normal eating, to find that the fat goes back on just as rapidly and Some people even find that they are now heavier than they were when they started.

8. weight loss is a more exact science than most people realize. The body needs the right nutrients to convert the fat into lean muscle, without these nutrients the body, will, as mentioned above, go into starvation mode and sustained weight loss will be very hard.

9. Exercise is a vital part of any fat loss regime, especially if you are to maintain which fat loss.

10. Many people think they just want to do more exercise to lose weight and begin jogging or visiting the gym and doing hours on a tread mill or cross trainer. Again it is more convoluted than that.|11. Any exercise program requires to be tailored to your requires. You need to ensure that if you want to drop off weight and drop off body fat that you are doing the correct muscle building exercises for that to be possible.

12. I have heard it said by some health gurus that it is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise. I have even heard others say that it is 90 % nutrition and 10% exercise. So although exercise is vital for your overall long full term success, you must make Sure that you are sustaining your body with proper good quality nutrition, otherwise you are simply wasting your time, damaging your health and doing nothing to drop off your weight or your body fat. - 17273

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