Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, October 5, 2009

How you can Burn Fat by Starting First Thing in the Morning

By Ryan M Hall

If you want a simple shortcut to making sure you burn fat, start your workout first thing in the morning. This advice is extremely common, and is often the most common advice most of us hear. We are told by friends, family and experts to do our exercising first thing in the morning. While many people think it works because you've spent the entire night without food, that's not the reason it works so well, but if you do fat burning exercises first thing in the morning, you will be guaranteed to burn more fat.

If there is no scientific reason that working out right away when you wake up doesn't burn more fat, how can it help you lose extra weight? This is quite simple, working out first thing in the morning gets the workout done. It guarantees that you can't spend the rest of the day procrastinating. When it's your first priority to get your exercise in, you get up and get it done, and you don't have to spend all day dreading the gym. You are able to just jump out of bed and cross "burn fat" off your to do list. This also gets you into the habit of working out, rather than procrastinating until it's too late.

I know what you're thinking, what if I'm not a morning person? Well, I'm not, and I can still slip in a little workout in the morning if I want. But personally, my large workouts fit my schedule better if I hit the gym just before lunch. That being said, there are many days where I wake up a few minutes early and do one of my super charged 4 Minute Slim workouts to get the day started off right. Could you spare 4 minutes before you jump in your shower? Chances are, you could.

Go to any bookstore and you will find huge sections of books that will tell you to do the most important thing on your list first, that way it is done and the rest of the day can just breeze by easily without the burden of that important thing on your shoulders. This also ensures that your most important thing doesn't get pushed aside for later in the day until it's too late. Since you wouldn't be able to do anything if you weren't healthy, wouldn't you agree that being healthy should be at the top of your list?

If working out later in the day is better for your schedule, then you need to institute a No Excuse Hour. This is the time it takes to do a workout where there are No Excuses. It doesn't have to be an hour, especially if you are using the 20/20/20 Diet plan. My workouts on the plan only take 15-20 minutes, so I have a No Excuse 20 Minutes. During this time you should never say "I'm too tired," or "I'm to busy today" or "I'll do it tomorrow." These excuses don't work and they are never allowed. Get the workout done and you can just relax for the rest of the day.

Working out in the morning isn't the only way to kick start your morning with Fat Loss. You also need to start out with solid Fat Loss Nutrition. If you start your day out with a greasy Egg McMuffin, chances are, you aren't going to be energized and ready to take on the world that day. But, if you start your day off with some good fat burning energy filled super fuel, well, I think the answer is obvious, you will feel much better.

As far as dieting goes, there are plenty of great ways to get your day started right. You can cook an egg white omelet, drink a super energy shake, or even grab some fruit with a simple meal replacement protein shake. These are a huge improvement over what most of us consider "breakfast."

For those of you who don't eat breakfast and say you never have, so you shouldn't start now, I have this to say: Start Now. Breakfast is the signal your body needs to start your metabolism and get your body burning fat. It is the meal that says, I'm awake, it's time to get moving. Most people who don't eat breakfast complain that when they start, they are hungry earlier in the day. This is because breakfast got their metabolism cranked up and their body is actually processing its hunger pangs, rather than ignoring them and living in starvation mode.

If you want to change your body, you need to change your actions, so are you going to start to burn fat by getting a good start tomorrow morning? Are you going to eat a healthy breakfast, or are you going to just run through a drive through or eat some sugar cereal like the rest of the unhealthy people out there? The choice is up to you. Start your day off right, and you will burn fat and find immediate changes in your body and mood. - 17273

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