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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Muscle Building: How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast

By Chris Tan

Building muscle mass and doing quickly requires extreme commitment and dedication. Anyone can choose to follow a path to building muscle, however there are many who jump in full throttle without doing the research first. This mistake leads to a plateau which in turn leaves the person frustrated, and eventually they quit. Below, I will show some important tips to build muscle mass quickly, correctly and most importantly; safely.

A good foundation for muscle growth.

Firstly, the first and very common plateau that bodybuilders reach is usually 2-3 months away from the day they begin training in the gym. During this time, they will be unable to increase their weights and hence, they fail to make any further gains in muscle mass. The cause of the plateau is usually a bad foundation. When you begin weight training, you have to start off with at least 10 strength training workouts. These workouts serve to prepare your body for high intensity workouts. To prepare your body well for muscle growth, you will have to train with lighter weights with high repetitions and excellent form for these 10 workouts.

Focusing solely on the upper body.

The next common mistake bodybuilders make is that they focus solely on building up the upper body. This mistake also leads to a plateau. Inexperienced bodybuilders tend to focus on the upper body mainly because that is the part you can see. Areas such as the abs, arms and chest what are what everyone sees and wants to change. However, in order to build muscle mass, all areas of the body must receive the same attention. Muscle groups such as the thighs are highly important and should not be ignored.

Doing Too Much Of Isolated Exercises.

Isolated exercises are exercises that train only a certain muscle group. For example, bicep curls and tricep extensions are isolated exercises. For a beginner, your goal should be to gain muscle mass before you tone and define them. To gain muscle mass fast, you need to do more compound exercises. These exercises train multiple body parts at one time and they allow you to carry heavy weights that force your muscles to adapt to the intensity by growing.

Have I surprised you with these common mistakes made by beginners? Are you one of those who make such mistakes without knowing that it would lead you to a frustrating plateau? Bodybuilding is all about our body. Proper research and study is important before we begin in our quest to build muscles. Without the correct information, you could be attaining only half the results of another bodybuilder who puts in half the effort. To build muscles efficiently, learn from bodybuilders who will be happy to teach you how to gain muscle mass fast. - 17273

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