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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yoga Blocks Maintains Your Moves In Yoga

By Thaya Kareeson

Yoga is a fabulous way to get fit that everyone can participate in. Sometimes, the beginner yoga enthusiast feels like they might be going in over their heads. Yoga blocks can make yoga postures and positions that much easier! Imagine being able to finally stretch far enough to get into the more difficult positions! Or not being afraid to try yoga for the first time!

Yoga originated in the eastern country of India, and is a traditional method of exercise and self discipline. It uses the mental, physical and verbal beliefs of Hinduism to help a person attain self control. In today's world of increasing fitness and concern for health, yoga provides a complimentary way of increasing flexibility and agility.

The art of yoga requires people to stretch and bend and flex a great deal. Bodies twist and turn in what are called postures or asanas. Someone who is watching someone else practicing yoga might become easily intimidated by the many asanas. Instructors who see this timid attitude from newcomers to the class would do well to pull out some yoga blocks and help the new members get used to the different asanas with some support.

Yoga blocks are placed most often beneath the hands, buttocks, heels or the head. They can be used to help someone see how far their reach goes and to push it that much further. They also help new or struggling practitioners of yoga learn what muscle groups should be involved in a particular stretch without injuring themselves.

Some people who practice yoga have existing medical problems that they are learning to overcome with exercise and fitness in general. People who have tight hips and hamstrings can use yoga blocks to improve their flexibility. A little support in the right place can go a long way in helping someone maneuver themselves properly.

Some positions in yoga are more difficult to obtain than others. Some require more support than others. For the beginning or struggling yoga practitioner, yoga blocks can help these asanas be obtained. The Sarangasana, which is a shoulder stand, could be improved with four blocks beneath the shoulders. The 'hero lying down' or Supta Virasana pose would be better supported with a few blocks under the spine. In yoga, spine and body alignment are crucial to proper and safe exercise. By keeping posture and alignment, people are less likely to experience strain or injury.

Yoga is an attitude, a belief system, and for many people a way to live. It requires having an open mind and an earth friendly consciousness, a consideration for the planet around one's self. Yoga blocks thankfully come in many different material types. While some are foam and with vivid colours, others come in pine wood from New Zealand, or in cork or bamboo. These are specifically chosen renewable resources that leave less of an impact on the earth. Bringing such a tool into a yoga space only serves to increase the peace and tranquility of that space.

Yoga as an exercise soon becomes a way of life. A good yoga routine added to a healthy diet and other types of fitness activities can help people last longer while becoming stronger. Yoga blocks make yoga just a bit easier for people starting out or for people who need just a little bit more support. These helpful tools encourage rather than discourage reaching goals and seeking success. - 17273

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