Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm on Day 17 of My HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

It's day 17 and I'm still moving forward with the weight loss from HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic weight loss program. I was flipping through some of the diet reviews online and found some diet pill reviews mixed in with the HCG referrals. It just solidified my argument that the all natural method is the way to go.

So the negative diet pill reviews indicated that some of the popular pills out there have some pretty heavy duty, negative side effects. A lot of the diet pill reviews listed different side effects and health issues that cropped up right away as well as a while later. They made it sound pretty scary. So I immediately forwarded them to my friend, Lisa's, husband. He wasn't an easy sell when it came to Lisa and I starting the diet so I constantly remind him of the advantages of the diet.

If you're wondering who the heck Lisa is then I bet you're new to this article series (or you haven't been paying attention; shame on you!) Lisa is my HCG dieting buddy. I called and talked her into approaching the homeopathic HCG diet with me in the beginning. We started simultaneously and we've got a side bet; the person to lose the most weight gets a pair of jeans courtesy of the loser.

Her husband was not a big supporter initially. He was really quite skeptical. I did eventually talk him around. But I do have to continually support my argument by sending him any further "proof" I find that my opinion is actually the right one on this particular issue. So the negative diet pill reviews were the perfect forward for Lisa's husband. He should never have disagreed with me; I'm rarely wrong.

Anyway...it's day 17 and I'm so excited. But I didn't lose any weight today. Shoot! I'm still at 156. But I'm still doing great. At least I didn't gain any weight, right?

I took my HCG three times and my B-Total once. I'm back to taking it first thing in the morning. It's a good start to the day. I decided to go without Melba Toasts today since I seem to be stuck on a plateau. That's one of the suggested plateau breakers in the protocol book. I grilled a steak at lunch and had a small portion of it and stored the rest (leftovers are fabulous on this diet). I had some strawberries and some green tea with lunch. For dinner I made the chicken asparagus soup. It was really cold so it was the perfect dinner. I had more strawberries for a late night snack. I missed the Melba Toasts, but I managed. We'll see if it worked tomorrow. - 17273

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