Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, December 24, 2009

How To Lose Arm Fat-5 Things To Focus On

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

When learning how to lose arm fat, your first priority should be to understand how the 5 major muscles in your arm work. There are no shortcuts here. You absolutely need to have an intimate understanding on how to properly exercise all your arm muscles.

At this juncture, your mind is probably being flooded with images of beastly arms. The truth is that you will never get beastly arms so stop worrying about it. Before another image pops into your head, let me elaborate.

The organ systems within the female body produce 60% less testosterone (arm muscle hormone) than the organ systems within the male body. Thus, the female body does not have the necessary amount of hormones to produce manly arms. No matter how hard you train, this will never happen to you!

So keep an open mind when learning how to lose arm fat! And please ignore the photographs you see of professional female bodybuilders. They inject themselves with anabolic (growth) hormones and train at least 3 hours a day, every day.

Do not fear picking up a weight just because you think you will end up looking like a Sheman. It has been my experience that far too many women resist weight training because of this misplaced fear. So here are 5 things to consider when learning how to lose arm fat:

1. Working all the triceps muscles. Located in your arm, the triceps is made up of 3 primary muscles. It comprises 60% of your arm muscle. The triceps has a lateral, medial and long head. A killer exercise for the medial head is criss-cross extensions from a pulley.

2. The biceps muscles in your arms. The biceps (meaning two) is comprised of 2 major muscles and accounts for forty percent of your arm mass. To properly work all the biceps muscles, you have to isolate the long and short head. A great exercise for the long head is incline dumbbell curls on a bench with writs slanted out.

3. Avoiding calorie counting. Count calories and deprive yourself, and you will end up hating life. Once you lay off the counting and deprivation, all the arm fat (and more) will come right back. Focus on the quality of what you eat, not the quantity.

4. What you eat. No weird dieting needed here, just make sure each one of your meals has a protein, carbohydrate, fat and vegetable source. Do this and your body will take care of the rest. You see, learning how to lose arm fat is easy!

5. Water consumption. Seventy five percent of your arm is water, only twenty five percent is muscle. If you dont pay attention to water intake, you are missing out on 75% of the equation on how to lose arm fat. Drink only distilled or purified water between meals.

Although it can be like walking through a mine field because of all the savvy marketers out there, learning how to lose arm fat is not complicated. If you focus on the 5 key points I have outlined, you will be on the fast track to getting rid of your flabby arms for good! - 17273

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