Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The HCG Diet, Day 9

By Amelia Handley

So remember how I was telling you the other day that I was impressed that even though I'm known for eschewing a "daily routine" I hadn't yet forgotten to weigh myself in the morning as required during HCG therapy? Well it happened. Today I forgot to weigh myself. I've got no idea why; I think I just got too comfortable.

So I've got no weight change to report. It's Thursday. The weekend is coming up and I've got a few functions to attend in the near future that I'm worried about. I'm hoping that there will be something available that is at least a little bit approved for eating during my HCG therapy. But I'll just have to wait and see.

My two kids are catching on a bit and they'll randomly ask me when I've got something in my hand in the kitchen, "Is that on your diet, Mom?" I've got to point out that it's too annoying, but at the same time. It's kind of helpful. I wouldn't want my kids to associate me with "cheating."

This morning was a bit of a rough morning. The alarm didn't go off and the kids were a bit late to school. But I did eventually get back into my routine and take my B-Total and HCG therapy drops. I decided to try a new recipe or two so I picked a couple in the cookbook and then made a list for a trip to the store. I got everything I needed to make Orange Cremesicle, Turkey and Tomato Soup and Chicken Asparagus Soup. I'm kind of digging the soups. I headed to the regular grocery store instead of Walmart because the produce seems to be better and it also seems to last longer if I buy it at the grocery store in comparison to Walmart. Who knows why...

Plus they don't have the Melba Toast Spicy 3 Pepper variety at Walmart. So that's enough reason right there for me to stick to the local grocer. I guess you never know what's going to be important. I should probably leave a "suggestion" in the Walmart suggestion box. Maybe the buyer would add it to the next order just for me, but I doubt it!

For lunch I decided to make the Turkey/Tomato soup. I didn't think it sounded very good, but I was just trusting in all the reviews I'd read about the HCG therapy and the cookbook so I tried it anyway. It was actually REALLY good. It must have been all the fresh tomatoes. I also used fresh herbs since I had them in the garden and that probably made a big difference. I ate Melba Toast (original flavor since I was dipping in soup) and held off on my fruit to have an apple later in the afternoon.

I had Filet Mignon for dinner (after I took my HCG). I pulled the bacon off prior to cooking and then cooked it up separately to give to my kids. They love bacon. (Who doesn't, right?) The Filet Mignon was really good. I hadn't had beef in a bit and I was apparently craving it! For my vegetable I had steamed cabbage. I know most people don't have a liking for this vegetable, but I've got a strange preference for it so I thought it was great with a little salt and a lot of pepper. I was going to have the Orange Cremesicle for an after dinner treat until I realized that I don't have a blender right now. I broke it a few months ago and it hadn't occurred to me to buy a new one. So that was out. I had half a grapefruit instead. - 17273

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