Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Enjoyable Way To Add More Antioxidants To Your Food Intake

By Alice S Stewart

If you choose to expand your health, you need to look no further than the diet that you eat. Many of the foods that you can attain at the superstore produce aisle, your local farmer's market and health food store are laden with antioxidants.

When our bodies expend oxygen in the course of life, oxygen free radicals are fashioned. A free radical is in essence a molecule that is lacking one or more electrons. This makes it exceptionally unsteady and harmful to our bodies. Free radicals generate inflammation, which is a cause of many ailments from heart disease to wrinkles. An antioxidant reduces inflammation by donating the omitted electron in that way stabilizing the molecule. Antioxidants are important for reducing inflammation.

The antioxidants in food are measured by how well they can neutralize free radicals in a test tube. This is referred to as the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC. A number is assigned referring to its ORAC levels, the higher the number, the higher the antioxidant facility of the food.

Two deliciously wonderful foods that have the utmost score of authentic foods are dried, unsweetened cocoa, which chocolate is made from and the acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil. Dark chocolate that contains 60 to 70% cocoa is one of the most pleasant and gratifying health foods there is.

Acai berries are just as delectable. A lot of people depict the taste as something similar to a delectable berry dipped in dark chocolate. You can find acai berry products that are juices, smoothie mixes and even tablets and capsules. The acai berry is especially perishable so it is not possible to have the fresh fruit outside of Brazil. However, it is fortunate that advanced processing methods have made this little berry offered worldwide.

Another food that is wonderful and satisfying but also exceedingly high in antioxidants is red wine. Red wine is high in a compound called anthocyanins, which is actually the pigment that produces the concentrated dark colors of nature, including the red grapes, deep blue blueberries, and the blackish purple of blackberries. Red wine is constructive in temperate amounts as even though there are immense health benefits with alcohol, there is also the danger of serious problems caused by over-consumption. However, if you can restrict yourself to one glass of wine a day it can be a pleasurable way to get a respectable quantity of antioxidants.

Startlingly enough though, the acai berry actually contains 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine. Anthocyanins have been confirmed to be advantageous for our cardiovascular systems along with many other advantages including possible weight loss.

You can find acai berries in scrumptious juices, smoothie mixes and even capsules and pills. Add in an ounce of dark chocolate every day, and unwind with one glass of red wine, on a daily basis and you have received a decent dose of good for your health antioxidants in a lovely and delightful manner. - 17273

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