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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Antioxidant Drinks - Switch to a Healthier Cup of Coffee

By Kathryn Barry

Antioxidant Drinks include coffee which most Americans seem to crave as soon as the sun starts to shine. It may be one of the most popular drinks in the world by now. Its stimulating effects seem to get people motivated to start their day.

Coffee does come with its share of problems and side effects. The most well known problem is caffeine and is responsible for that overwhelming feeling that coffee sometimes gives you. Your digestive system takes a beating every time you drink a cup of coffee and coffee can interfere with the absorption of vital nutrients.

On the bright side, coffee does contain a decent amount of antioxidants.

Why Do We Need Antioxidants?

Antioxidants come in many forms and help to prevent damage to your cells. Antioxidants such as vitamins, flavonoids and enzymes help to prevent cell oxidation and protect your cells.

Free radicals harm our bodies and antioxidants have the ability to stop these damaging substances.

When we expose ourselves to toxic chemicals, radiation, pesticides, and drugs such as alcohol and caffeine, free radicals will be created in our bodies.

The power of an antioxidant relies on its ability to donate one of its electrons to change a free radical and take away its damaging effects on your body. This helps stops the aging process along with helping to prevent various diseases from forming in your body.

Antioxidant Drinks Meets a Powerful Herb

Healthy Coffee is a pretty new creation in the world of coffee. This coffee contains the Reishi Medicinal Mushroom which is one of the most powerful herbs used in Chinese Medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine employed the use of the Reishi Mushroom to help keep its royalty healthy. This herb has a 2000 to 4000 year tract record and has helped with numerous ailments.

This herb has numerous names and in China was known as Ling Zhi or "Herb of Spiritual Potency" and because of its incredible healing powers it was also called "Mushroom of Immortality".

Reishi's wealth of antioxidants and 200+ nutrients enable this herb to help with numerous health problems such as Heart Disease, Stomach Disorders, and Blood Sugar Problems.

This medicinal mushroom helps your body remove the build-up of toxins and allows your body's natural immune system to strengthen itself.

Healthy Coffee versus Regular Coffee

Healthy Coffee contains triterpenoids to help with your digestive system as drinking regular coffee will actually stop your digestive system from working.

Contains alkaloids to help with your acid/alkaline balance. These alkaloids help to control the amount of acidity that regular coffee produces.

Coffee will exhaust your adrenals with its stimulating effects on your body. The adaptogens found in Healthy Coffee help to mitigate these side effects.

My Personal Experience

I don't know why I let myself run out of Healthy Coffee, but I do and then I have to drink the regular stuff. Boy, do I notice the side effects and have to pay the price of extreme agitation and acidity.

Even the world's best tasting coffee comes with side effects and gives me too many problems!

This coffee will give you a energy boost, but not stimulate your nervous system to death. It is such a different feeling that I was under the impression that it contained almost no caffeine.

I can even drink this coffee just a few hours before sleep time and have a relatively peaceful rest. I am convinced that the Reishi Mushroom contains some sort of property that helps your brain function in a more peaceful manner.

Healthy Coffee is one of the most powerful antioxidant drinks and really does help with the acidity problem. It doesn't seem to upset my digestion like drinking regular coffee surely will.

It's also one of the smoothest tasting coffees and you won't have that lingering coffee bad breath or bad taste left in your mouth.

If you are suffering from the ill effects of drinking coffee, but just can't kick the habit or just love drinking coffee. I would give this coffee a try. - 17273

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