Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 Killer Weight Loss Tips

By Duncan Cheng

1)You should first eat all the low calorie foods from your plate first and work your way up to the ones that contain lots of calories. That way when you get to the foods rich in calories you will eat far less of them because you are already full.

2)If you want to have a good healthy diet you should eat at least 2 servings of fruits and vegetables at each meal. For example you can create a tasty side dish using vegetables and a fruit for dessert.

3)Juice and sodas contain a lot of calories. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they aren't food. You should drink at most 1 glass of juice per day. If you can avoid drinking juice at all the better.

4)Always eat with a purpose. Regardless of what you are eating, how few calories it contains, you should always concentrate on the act of eating. Mindless eating leads to surprisingly fast weight gain and a super fat body.

5)Start each day by eating a big healthy breakfast. That way you will have all the energy you need during the day and you will eat considerably less food all day long. It is a super efficient weight loss secret.

6)Half the food you eat at lunch and dinner should be made up by fresh vegetables. Vegetables contain just a few calories and you should reduce your calorie intake during the second part of the day. If possible eat only vegetables for dinner.

7)Mayo is super fattening and you should never eat it. To add that extra taste to your foods try using mustard. It contains fewer calories which makes it a much better choice than mayo.

8)If you are trying to eat more vegetables daily you can try eating more vegetables soups. They too can be considered vegetables and they are super healthy.

9)Dinner plates are much more bigger than salad plates and make you eat more food. From now on you should eat all your meals form a salad plate.

10)Avoid eating form big containers of food. Always eat your food form a plate so you can see how much you are eating. - 17273

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