Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, July 2, 2009

How To Develop A Set Of Ripped Chest Muscles Fast

By Mike Taylor

If you want to get a set of super sexy ripped chest muscles then you are going to need to get rid of that layer of fat that lies over and obscures the chest muscles. It is this layer of fat that can often give a loose flabby appearance and in some cases give man boobs.

The fastest way of losing this fat layer is through a combination of reducing calories and burning excess calories. In this article I am going to look at reducing the amount of calories taken in.

On looking in book stores you will find many books, often with exagerrated claims, about how to lose weight and fat. They often claim, also, that their book is the best and fastest at getting you to your goals. However, most of these books provide similar information and, essentially, the underlying principle of all of these is reducing calorie intake. For most people the biggest challenge is motivation and changing their lifestyle to be able to maintian the plan.

The biggest question is how to maintain the motivation. The most effective way is to set a number of short term goals rather than one big goal which might seem unattainable. In fact, this can be applied to most sporting disciplines. An example would be the high jump. Rather than go and try jumping a very high height it would be advisable to slowly increase the height jumped until reaching your goal. This same principle is very effective when applied to dieting.

What I have found to work best is to set a short term goal, for about four pounds weight loss, over a four week period. Now this might not sound a lot compared to many of those diet programs that claim you can get rid of fourteen pounds in a month. However, with a lot of of these crash dieting plans is that it is easy to become demotivated and also as a result of the slowing of the body's metabolic rate it becomes more difficult to lose weight.

Four pounds a month may not seem a lot, but these regular smallish gains soon add up to a huge forty eight pounds over twelve months. It is likely you would not want to lose this much though. At the end of each month, if I have attained my four pounds target, I will reward myself and then set about making plans and setting goals for the next month. This way you keep motivated and the overall target does not seem quite so unattainable.

So, the best way to reach your weight loss goal to get a set of sexy ripped chest muscles is to go for the stepwise approach of small regular goals. You will be surprised at your success. - 17273

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