Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Top Ten Foods Packed With a Load of Nutrients

By Spencer Gabato

Can you say that the food we eat can lead us to a long and healthy life? Not all foods are the same so choosing what food to eat can determine whether you can increase life expectancy and improve the quality of your life.

Need vitality, energy and good health? Here are the top ten super foods.

1. Oatmeal - It is growing in popularity as a food that can lower blood cholesterol. You can prepare it any way you want and still benefit from it. The fiber contents of oatmeal can make your bloods sugar levels constant.

2. Beans - If they give you gas, take measures before you eat them. Soaking them first can help. Beans of all kinds (kidney, navy, lentils, chickpeas, Northern) are high in protein. This is plant protein so it [carries|contains very little fat, calories, carbs. If fiber is a problem in your diet, eating a healthy portion of beans each day can keep your digestive system healthy.

3. Allium foods - This class of foods includes leeks, onions, garlic and shallots. Garlic is known for lowering cholesterol. Allium vegetables help guard the body against the risk of cancer and many other ailments. They also help prevent blood clots and lower blood pressure levelslower blood pressure and prevent blood clots. Eating these power packed vegetables in their natural state especially garlic increases their health benefits.

4. Fruits - Talk about antioxidants which neutralize free radicals and prevent cancer, fruits are filled with them. Berries such as acai, goji, blueberries have high contents of antioxidants. Eating a variety of fruits is recommended since each fruit has its own strengths. Antioxidants in fruit can boost the immune system and has anti aging properties.

5. Flax seed - They contain healthful omega-3 fatty acids just like salmon. Aside from that omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids can also be found in flaxseed. These seeds can help fight heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes. Ground flax is also a major ingredient in the budwig diet to fight cancer.

6. Salmon - Just like flax seeds, salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It reduces diseases of the heart and atherosclerosis. Salmon contain good fat that is proven to improve health in adults as well as children. Its protein can help build muscle tissue when eaten after an exercise.

7. Nuts and seeds - Fats found in these food are the good kind. Brazil nuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios and walnuts all provide good fat and protein. It can help lower cholesterol and it can be eaten raw untarnished by preservatives.

8. Peppers - Just like other fruits and vegetables, they contain antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene. Some peppers can be very hot so eat little bits rather than large chunks. One notable substance found in peppers is the capsaicin which has pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, lowering heart disease risk and lowering cancer risk properties. They can be combined with all sorts of dishes.

9. Yogurt - Choose the fat free variety. It contains vitamin B, protein and calcium. Yogurt is a good alternative to ingest calcium if you do not drink milk. It can promote a healthy digestive system because of the live friendly bacteria it contains.

10. Acai - This is probably the berry which contain the highest amount of antioxidants. This food can also increase your energy. Acai berry juice, drinks and supplements can be purchased from health food supplies.

Building a better healthier and stronger body begins with the kinds of food you eat. Try these super foods to get your feet on the road to healthy living. - 17273

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