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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Treatment & Management Of Diabetes (Informational)

By Deborah Marvin

Mellitus diabetes is also known as diabetes, it is a syndrome of a metabolism that doesn't work properly. Diabetes is usually projected by environmental or heredity dis functions. This results in high blood sugar levels, high blood sugar levels are controlled by hormones and chemicals.

One of the hormones that helps in the controlling of diabetes is called insulin. Insulin makes sure that diabetes attacks don't take your life.

Blood sugar counts that are high, usually are caused by diabetes. If you get a normal check up at the hospital and your doctor finds that you have high blood sugar counts than he/she will test you for the types of diabetes. When insulin counts are low in your body or you don't have any all be produced, diabetes is projected.

Diabetes can cause many complications in the life. Long term dangerous complications include: disease of the cardiovascular system, failure of the chronic renal system, retinal damage (leads to blindness), several different types of nerve damage and damage to the micro vascular, which causes erectile dysfunction and bad wound healing.

The chronic disease diabetes doesn't have a cure. The patient plays the biggest rold in medical treatment for diabetes. You have to watch what you eat and make sure that your glucose levels don't rise above or drop below than what the normal glucose level state is. If this takes place the patient could have a blood sugar attack and if not treated with insulin could die.

The huge focus in medical help is to keep your blood sugar levels at a normal state. Don't eat foods that contain a lot of sugar and unhealthy ingredients that could effect your blood sugar levels.

Diabetes effects people all over the world, it has been ruining families and peoples lives. It's something that no one wants to live with, so therefore we as a race must pay attention to our food intake.

They are currently focusing on making a cure for the group of diabetes. There is still no cure for any of the diabetes but they are on the verge of discovering one. - 17273

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