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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do you have what it takes to build muscle?

By Jon Cardozo

I thought of an interesting question today as I was reviewing my goals for the next year. You see, as the year draws to an end, I decided that I would become more serious about setting goals and keeping myself on track. As I began picking the list of what I want to accomplish next year, I started to think about what each of these goals would cost in both time and effort.

After reading quite a bit about the subject, I've realized that desire and passion are essential components of reaching your goals. In addition, you have to ask for self if you are really ready to work hard. Ask yourself what level of sacrifice you're prepared to make in order to reach your destination.

What does this have to do with building muscle? Well, I hope you realize that building muscle is not a new one day or one week thing. It takes a long commitment and diligence to reach your goals, including building a muscular frame. So if you really want to build a more muscular body, you're going to have to give some things up in exchange for this.

Although we pretty much know this deep down inside (or at least we should), we don't usually stop and think about what we will have to give up in order to reach our goals. So before you begin your muscle building program, answer these questions so you can build a more solid commitment that will sustain your efforts throughout the following year and beyond.

Whatever you choose to do in your life will be at the expense of something else. You can really only do one thing at any particular moment, so you should know what you're willing to give up.

So are you willing to do what it takes to reach your fitness goals? Which do you prefer, watching that favor TV show or working on a solid strength training program? Can you give up the incredibly tempting ice cream sundaes you eat every day in exchange for a healthier and better looking body?

Remember that most great things in life are not achieved with one amazing act. Rather, it is a series of small choices carried out on a daily basis that will determine our ultimate success or failure in life.

Remember that a little bit at a time is far better than a big work out all at once. Stick with your plan step by step and you'll soon reach your muscle building goals. - 17273

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