Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, March 9, 2009

Will Probiotics Solve my Digestive Problem?

By Jasmine Reich-Olulu

The foods we eat are changing our stomachs more than ever. We do not help our bodies when we consume fast food, deep-fried food, and processed food. With all this food easily available to us we need to start improving and protecting our digestive system. Thankfully doctors and scientist have found a amazing thing called probiotics. These probiotics do amazing things for the digestive tract and can help people with digestive problems.

Probiotics are pretty new to the scene but have hit the stores like a wild-fire. People dont know exactly what probiotics do. They are healthy bacteria that support normal acticity of the intestinal microflora that secretes enzymes to digest food. They can also maintain the normal health of the intestinal lining in the small intestine which supports health absorption of nutrients. This is good news because optimal digestion starts in the digestive tract. There are a couple ways to tell if the probiotic you are buying is good. The first and most important thing is how many colony forming units or CFUs are in the formula. The second would be the amount of active species.

This surge is mostly due to peoples increased knowledge on the benefits that probiotics deliver. They have been known to reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and also help maintain intestinal microflora balance and produce anti-carcinogenic effects. A recent study done by UAS labs indicates that probiotics may also lower cholesterol levels, which is amazing news.

So with all the different probiotics on the market which one do you choose? I have personally tried many products from many companies and finally found the product that is right for me. It is made in America and comes from a company called Extreme Health USA. I did some research and this company has been around for 10 years and sells its products to consumers and doctors. Their formula has 12 active species and has 120 billion colony forming units or better known as CFUs. This product has worked wonders for me and is of very high quality.

Now you have a little more knowledge on what probiotics do and how they can help you, I want to refresh your memory on the key check points about buying a probiotic. Before you buy a probiotic check the label and make sure that the formula you are looking at has a high amount of colony forming units. Then look at how many active species the formula has. If you follow these steps you will be picking a quality product and cant go wrong. - 17273

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