Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, December 7, 2009

Back To Basics Detox Plan

By Chris Clark

Even though there are numerous good detoxification programs available, many are difficult to incorporate into your day to day life. Today we'll detail a simple detox plan, that you should be able to easily adapt your lifestyle to.

- Only consume natural foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and whole grains. Eat organically as you can, so that no pesticides, hormones, or herbicides enter your body.

- Drink enough water (mixed with fresh lemon juice if you prefer) to equal half of your body weight per week. This is a minimum though, and you should drink as much water as you feel able to.

- Sugar, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided at all costs. You can use honey, steva or agave nectar to sweeten foods, but not artificial sweeteners as they contain certain toxins that you're trying to stay away from.

- Take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium or flax (which can both be found in the health food aisle of most grocery stores) in the evening before going to sleep. Each capsule should contain about five to eight grams of fiber and should not have any food colorings or sugar added.

- Exercise on a regular basis to improve your blood circulation. Half an hour to an hour of exercise 3-5 times a week is recommended, but if you are just starting out, begin slow and build up to this goal.

-Try taking saunas and / or hot baths as the sweating they cause will assist your body in removing toxins from your skin. Remember to drink additional water afterwards so that you don't dehydrate yourself.

Implementing these simple methods in to your daily routine will see you reaping many health benefits. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? You'll not only feel better, but will look better too! - 17273

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