Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, December 21, 2009

Abs Training Exercises: How To Get Ripped Abs

By Mitch Graves

The six pack is widely known as the holy grail of fitness.

They say this for good reason too because that area has the most stubborn fat storage region on your body.

If you're carrying around a lot of belly fat, this can be very frustrating. All you want to do is get rid of it!

Well I'm here to show you the most effective abs training exercises that build muscle the fastest. Of course you have to also focus on nutrition and cardio.

I personally had a toned midsection from all the sports I was doing, but I didn't have a really defined six pack. I switched up what I was doing with this one tip I'm about to teach you and got phenomenal results.

The tip that gave me a ripped six pack was to add weight! Once I began to train my abs like other muscles, they began to grow like other muscles.

So here are 3 great abs training exercises for ripped abs.

1. Rope Pull Down Crunch

* Get a mat and set the pulley up high
* Crouch down on your knees about 4 ft away from the column
* Adjust the weight accordingly
* Grab the rope and do a crunch
* Most importantly - keep your hips still and curl your torso down
* Try to pull your elbows to your knees
* Keep your chin tucked in to take stress off your lower back
* Hold for a sec, then release

With this exercise, you get a full range of motion and your abs remain in tension throughout the movement. Do the standard 8-12 reps for 3 sets.

2. Hanging Knee Raise

* Use a pull up bar to hang and hold yourself suspended
* Bend your knees
* Curl your knees toward your chest while keeping your knees bent
* Try to come as close to touching your knees to your elbow as possible
* Make sure you use your abs for this and not your hip flexors

Later, you can add 5, 10, or 15lbs weights to your feet as you get stronger. 8-12 reps for 3 sets.

3. Decline Bench Sit Up

* Adjust the height of the bench for your skill level (more declined for advanced)
* Grab a 5 lb weight in each hand and hold them next to your head
* Do a sit up like normal while keeping your chin tucked
* On the way down, don't let your shoulders touch the bench, but hover, then go back up

This exercise also allows for a full range of motion because you drop below the horizontal. Dumbbells are better than the plates for this exercise. 8-12 reps for 3 sets.

These abs training exercises are sure to pack on tons of muscle to your six pack. They'll give you that great pop-out washboard look that's the envy of the gym. - 17273

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