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Thursday, November 26, 2009

What Can I Do When A Prescription Drug Like Plavix Causes Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Walking around with major bruises on your arms or legs is no-one's choice, but this is exactly the situation you may have to deal with if you are taking the prescription drug Plavix. Although Plavix is a drug that can be prescribed for a number of different situations, but severe bruising is for many an unpleasant side-effect. While people's daily routine has not become anything different, they often find that normal bumps during their normal daily life can subject them to significant bruises, which often have a hard center. Though these bruises are generally harmless, they are visually ugly, and you need to learn why the easy bruising is taking place.

The first thing that you should do is understand what Plavix is and what it has been specifically designed to do. This drug is defined as a blood anti-coagulant. It was created to help prevent your blood from clotting, and it is frequently prescribed to people who have had a recent heart attack or stroke and, therefore, have a higher chance of developing potentially harmful blood clots. Some people who have particular heart or circulatory conditions may also have Plavix prescribed to them. Even though easy bruising is a generally recognized side effect of this drug, the bruising easily is generally considered an acceptable trade-off because the bruising easily is usually only a visual issue.

Plavix helps your body prevent serious blood clots by thinning your blood. When the blood is thinner, it will be much less likely to clot, but thinner blood is the primary reason that you will be more likely to bruise easily. While taking Plavix, you probably will end up bruising more frequently than you think you should, but you should realize that the bruising is not causing any real damage to your body. When you bump into things, the resulting minor injury does create a small bit of bleeding beneath the skin. With Plavix your blood is thinned and does not readily clot, which allows more blood flow to the injured area and the resultant bruising is much more dramatic than it otherwise would be.

There may be means to mitigate the bruising effects of Plavix, but it was prescribed to you for a specific reason. Talk with your doctor to see if any of the prescription alternatives to Plavix will lessen your tendency to bruise easily.

Some people will note that the bruises will tend to come and go, depending on the concentration of the drug in your body, while other people will choose to see about getting more vitamin K in their diet, which can help strengthen blood vessels.

A great way to overcome your easy bruising is to not wait to treat bruises only after they appear. Following the unique, daily, all natural supplement program from Bruises Be Banned can help you reduce bruising easily or actually prevent bruising altogether before the bruising takes place. - 17273

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