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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Key To Building Muscle Mass Is Locked Within You

By Leon Williams

When you are trying to find out the best ways of building muscle mass, you're liable to encounter an incredible amount of falsehood out there. All that misinformation is distributed quite cunningly by folks who need to keep as many people as possible tubby and rotund or rail-thin and weak. You may wonder what the motive could possibly be.

The answer is simple: as long as you remain discontent with your fitness level, you will not stop throwing your hard-earned cash away on services and products that supposedly will help you find the most effective way to gain muscle mass. They are all to aware of the fact that if you truly achieve your goals, become fit, keep yourself healthy and have no further complications, the fitness industry won't be able to rip you off anymore.

Make no mistake, all the fitness myths that are out there didn't come about by mistake. There is a reason why fitness programs and sports shakes that are touted all over the place one day quickly get debunked, immediately and replaced by the next new myth or diet. It's all about profit.

But the information you'll learn here concerning the best means by which to gain muscle mass - and permanently keep that muscle after you've developed it - will not necessitate a lot of expensive equipment or foods or drinks. These techniques are genuine and empowering and the snake oil salesmen absolutely don't want you to know about them. They hope you go on swallowing their falsehoods about, for instance, protein - not to mention that totally discredited assertion that strong muscle reverts to its previous state if it's not worked every single day.

If you really look at it, the fact that you've been misinformed regarding building muscle mass isn't that surprising. The mainstream medical community has a viable interest in making sure we stay sick. The conglomerates that manufacture our food have a vested interest in keeping us hungry. Over and over again we hear reports about how vast industries use false documents and flat-out lies to perpetuate ignorance that will keep them in power. The corporate tobacco dealers actually lost class action lawsuits because of this kind of activity and wound up paying millions of dollars because of it.

Regrettably, the fitness industry is so spread out that it will never be called to the carpet like cigarette makers were. Seemingly respectable corporations that make exercise equipment and dietary supplements are embroiled in the same dishonest business practices as two-bit scam artists who set up shop online one day and make themselves scarce as soon as they've made a few bucks.

The skills you'll learn here weren't pulled out of thin air to trick you into buying a lot of useless or ineffective products you don't need. In fact, you'll discover that the most indispensable tool for building muscle mass is your brain. You already have it and nobody can charge you for it. - 17273

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