Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How You Can Easily Lose Weight Rapidly,5 Easy Steps That Can Get You Rapid Weight Loss

By Ryan M Hall

If you are finally ready to lose weight, whether it's 10 lbs or 100, follow these 5 steps to rapid weight loss and you can succeed. It doesn't have to be hard, but it will take commitment and you have to follow the plan.

1. Stay away from soda

Sugar filled drinks like soda and energy drinks are a huge source of empty calories in most peoples diets. The caffeine and chemicals in them also cause your body to retain water and store fat. Staying away from these drinks will give you instant results both in weight loss and in your energy levels each day.

2. Drink Water

This advice is common, but it needs to be repeated, several times over. Drink more water. This will hydrate your body and flush you out so that you are able to more easily burn fat.

3. Eat Less Food

This advice has been handed out by everybody, but if you want to lose weight, you have to follow it. Maybe you get too hungry, or maybe you are like me and you enjoy food too much, whatever the case, you have to learn to stop. In fact, if you stop halfway through a meal, and drink some water, then check to see if you're hungry still, chances are you won't be. You may be able to eat, but you probably won't be hungry.

4. Avoid artificial sugar

Artificial sugar, the kind found in diet soda, will trick your body into thinking it's drinking normal sugar, and when you don't get the calories of normal sugar, it makes you crave more. This causes you to drink more of the fake sugar to fill a craving, or worse, and more common, eat more carbs. It will make you have the kind of craving you can't ignore, this will lead to cheating and more weight gain.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep

If you want to lose more weight fast, you have to get enough sleep. If you don't sleep a full 7.5-8 hours a night, your body will start to produce a chemical telling it to store more fat, which makes it even harder to lose weight no matter what you do. You're not doing yourself any favors by skipping a nights sleep.

The 5 steps just listed are some of the best steps you can take for rapid weight loss. I used these steps with those outlined in my Diet Blueprint to lose over 20 lbs in 20 days almost effortlessly. If you take it seriously and follow the steps, you will be living in your dream body in no time. - 17273

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