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Saturday, October 10, 2009

How to Build Muscle Mass, Bodybuilding Tips to Continue Your Growth

By Ricardo d Argence

That is one of the most frequently asked questions around the world by bodybuilders. After all you are training hard, with good muscle building nutrition in your diet, yet your gains are still minimal.

In fact, this is one of the most frustrating bodybuilding issues individuals just like yourself go through every day. This is a huge culprit to sucking out all the motivation from your body, which eventually leads to little or no results at all. Today, let's go over a few ways you can keep this from happening to you.

1) Calorie intake is where it all begins, and a lack of it could be causing your loss. The best thing you can do is keep track of the amounts you take in throughout the day. So load up on high calorie meals.

Consuming food every two hours is a very useful guideline that will help you intake the required amount of calories. Make sure you snack lots on food such as: dried fruit and nuts, yoghurt, cottage cheese, cereal and milk, protein bars, fresh fruit, and protein shakes, etc

2) While calories are important, you can take your muscle mass to new height with protein. Those who build muscle mass through bodybuilding will enjoy taking this route to a shorter period for new growth. Try adding plenty of chicken, fish, turkey, and dairy products to you daily regimen.

What it comes down to is that you need excess calories so you can grow. Eventually you will want to cut out all the unhealthy calories and specifically target the good ones. For now however, you need to look for quality protein. The best place to find it is through purchasing large tubs of whey protein.

3) Then of course you can't forget about your workout. If you have spent a ton of the time in the gym doing the same routine over and over again, it's going to create a little dullness. In fact, it could be the difference between you actually enjoying your bodybuilding workouts, or simply going through the motions to build muscle mass.

The best thing you can do in this situation is mix it up a bit. Try utilizing different variations and create a different routine. Maybe doing your normal one backwards will help. Then again, maybe your body just needs some time off to completely recover.

4) Downtime. Can you imagine walking into the gym, working out, and then walking out looking like the Incredible Hulk? However, it just doesn't happen, and your time at home is the most important. Your body needs time to heal and recover. So take a break, eat the right foods, and let your muscles recover.

Try decreasing your session to just one workout per muscle group per week. Also decreasing the amount of sets done for each body part, try just 3-5 intense sets per bodypart per workout. Think that is not enough, try it and watch the results!

5) Is your water consumption high enough? If you don't drink plenty of water then your progress won't be as fast it should be. In order to grow, your muscles need copious amounts of water. Always carry a water bottle with you and use it frequently.

So if you are asking: Why am I not growing faster? Answer the above questions honestly and make the necessary adjustments.

Bodybuilding can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. However, in order to build muscle mass you have to stick to a strict regimen. - 17273

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