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Saturday, September 5, 2009

What is MSG Still Doing in My Food?

By Kathryn Barry

What is MSG anyway? MSG may be one of the most famous food additives known to mankind. When I was a young child, we used it like most people use salt. Little did we know the problems this flavor enhancer could create with just a few shakes.

This could explain why my childhood memories are a little fuzzy.

It's found in All Fermented Foods!

1. MSG is commonly known as Monosodium Glutamate and is a salt of glutamic acid.

2. Most protein rich foods and plants have an amino acid called glutamic acid. This amino acid is also found in the human body.

3. In its unprocessed or natural state it presents no problems.

4. When it becomes processed free glutamic acid, which has been freed through a manufacturing process or fermentation process, this is what creates problems for sensitive people.

5. Therefore, MSG is Processed Free Glutamic Acid.

MSG is a Very Dangerous Neurotoxin

Neurotoxins cause damage to your central nervous system.

MSG crosses your blood-brain barrier and will then excite your nerve cells to the point of nerve cell death.

Blood-brain barriers that have not fully developed are at a greater risk for damage. This would mean that young children are at a greater disadvantage than older children.

The elderly that have weakened blood-brain barriers are also at a greater risk for damage when excessive amounts are consumed.

If you are pregnant, be aware that your unborn child may also be affected by this neurotoxin.

What Health Problems does MSG Cause?

Health problems created by MSG:

*Abnormal Heartbeat

*Blood Pressure Rising or Dropping



*Painful Joints

*Moody Feelings


*Migraine Headaches

*Feeling Dizzy

*Blurred Eyesight

*Panic Attacks

*Feeling Cold

*Trouble Breathing

*Frequent Urination


Fermented Foods to Eat Cautiously

Shoyu, fish sauce and parmesan cheese will contain high amounts of this neurotoxin and you may want to limit the amount that you consume.

If you are extremely sensitive to this toxin, you may need to refrain from consuming all fermented foods and drinks. Most people who consume a moderate amount of fermented foods and drinks will not have problems.

Fermented foods with a higher protein content will probably create more problems for people with MSG sensitivities.

Unless you are extremely sensitive to this toxin, fermented food does not seem to cause the adverse problems that are associated with manufactured MSG.

What is MSG History?

In 1908, a Japanese scientist named Kikunae Ikeda was the first person to discover glutamic acid and its relationship to making foods taste great.

Shortly, after this discovery the world-wide use of MSG began to explode.

Ajinomoto was the brand name given to MSG and it was used as a flavor enhancer. I still remember to this day their catchy commercial tune.

MSG is still used as a flavor enhancer under other names like Accent! It is also being used in your supplements, shampoos, and most processed foods. - 17273

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