Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Treadmill...Be Gone!

By Amelia Handley

A lot of people know just what to do to ignore the treadmill. Some of us like to hang our clothes on it. Some of us like to buy the fold up, portable kind that can be pushed behind a closet door and forgotten. Some of us even like to tell ourselves that we got a gym membership for the treadmill access, but really access the Jacuzzi far more often. We've all got our own style.

But what if ignoring the treadmill was exactly what you needed to do in order to lose weight? Yes, you read that correctly. What if...ignoring the treadmill was exactly what you needed to do to lose the extra weight you've been carting around? Could it really be that easy?

On top of the no exercise bonus...this diet would enable you to lose a large amount of weight very quickly. We're discussing the benefits of homeopathic HCG. There is no strenuous exercise allowed while on the diet. The caloric intake is too low to support a regular workout.

The HCG diet was introduced over 50 years ago by Dr. Simeon as a cure for obesity. Of course, the fact that it only recently became general knowledge means that it hasn't been able to cure obesity; instead obesity has been running rampant in today's society. But now that HCG is available to the public (and not just elite groups) it just might be able to make a big difference in benefiting those who find their weight is affecting their health or disrupting their lifestyle.

Because it has extraordinary results HCG is a huge hit in the dieting industry. The average weight loss is one pound per day while on the diet. Dieters who follow the program through its maintenance phase also have high success rates when it comes to maintaining their new weight when the program is completed.

So ignoring the treadmill can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals. Go for it! The homeopathic HCG drops are accessible online and are easy to administer. So feel free to take advantage of all it has to offer. - 17273

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