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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Using Food To Relieve Constipation

By Jean Johnson

An endless array of advice exists with reference to diet. This is bad for you, that's worse, and don't even smell that! Much of what we eat and don't eat can lead to constipation. Lack of exercise can also lead to this result. Those who have suffered from constipation can testify to the level of discomfort this can bring. The question is what foods can we use to relieve the symptoms of this malady.

There are quite a few foods that can relieve constipation. Lets take a moment to explore some of these. Two foods that are very high in fiber and thus useful to constipation sufferers are figs and dates. Because of their high mineral and fiber content, these fruits aid the digestion process and may relieve constipation within twenty four hours.

Grape lovers will be happy to note that one or two pounds of their favorite fruit daily can provide them with relief. The fact that grapes are full of vitamins, fiber and minerals may account for this effect. The skin of these beauties also contains an antioxidant called resveratol which only adds to the health benefits of this fruit.

Papaya is another excellent choice in this area. It contains lots of fiber and when ripe is very easily digestible. The protein-digesting enzymes papain and chymopapain are incredibly helpful in creating and maintaining a free flowing system. It is also high in anti-oxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene which produce excellent results in reducing inflammation and improving overall health. Papaya can be used as part of a healthy breakfast, a quick snack or can be added to delicious smoothies.

The persimmon is another fruit that is high in Fiber (3.6 g per 100g) and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. It is also high in vitamins A, C and folate. These nutrients in persimmons make them very different from substances which only have a laxative effect. Instead of just relieving constipation, the persimmon gives relief and also replenishes the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally. Adding this fruit will definitely enrich your diet.

The beautiful dark purple raspberry appears on our list because it is packed with vitamins A and C. It also supplies you with large quantities of minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. This powerhouse fruit can banish constipation relatively quickly and infuse you with essential vitamins.

Dried plums (prunes) are very effective in relieving constipation. Generally prunes are considered to be one of the best ways of relieving constipation. Forty percent of each prune is made up of insoluble fiber which assists the lower intestine in the elimination of waste. This wonderful little food outranks all fruits and vegetables in antioxidant content and contains eighteen powerful body boosting minerals and vitamins. Among these are vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin A, zinc, thiamine, sodium, selenium, riboflavin, potassium, phosphorous, pantothenic acid, niacin, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and calcium. Bite for bite there is no other food that outranks this one. So eat up, enjoy these foods and have a free flowing colon. - 17273

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