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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So Many Creatines - Which is the Best?

By Aaron Wilding

If you've been to a supplement store or website any time in the last couple of years, you've probably noticed that there are now several different types of creatines that you can buy. So what is the difference between the different types? Is one better than another?

The three main types of creatine that you'll see in a store these days are creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester (CEE), and liquid creatine. Every now and then you'll see some others on the shelf, but these are the three most common.

Let's take a brief look at the difference between these types of creatine supplements.

Creatine Monohydrate

The most basic form of creatine that you can get is creatine monohydrate. Because of this it is also the cheapest. One thing to watch for when buying monohydrate is purity. There are different labels you'll see such as 'Creapure' that indicate the quality of the creatine supplement. This form of creatine is natural and can be found in many of the foods you eat. You'd just have to eat a lot of those foods to get a good amount out of them!

Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE)

Most of the other versions of creatine that are on the market claim to be more easily absorbed by the body. This is the case with CEE. What they've done is attached an organic compound called an ester that apparently makes it easier for the body to absorb. And the more creatine your body can absorb the more it can put to work for you!

Liquid Creatines

Similar to CEE, the idea here is to improve absorption. Monohydrate creatine supplements have the tendency to bond with food in your stomach, making them less effective. The idea behind liquid creatine is that it avoids this problem. In it's liquid form it tend to not attach itself to food and so is absorbed by the body better.

Final Thoughts

Creatine ethyl ester and liquid creatine products have had a lot of buzz around them lately about whether they are effective or not. It seems that at this time there have been enough studies done on CEE to show that it can be done and can improve the effectiveness of creatine, but I haven't seen as much backup information for the liquid products.

Either way, creatine is one of those products that you should definitely consider as part of your supplementation. It has long been proven effective, and many creatine supplements are very inexpensive. - 17273

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