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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Importance of Juicing Vegetables

By Scott Emily

Vegetable juicing has much the same benefits as juicing fruit with key differences. It's important to vary your juicing recipe to include a wide range of ingredients. Constantly look for new mixed juicer recipes and try to notice fruits at your local market that you've never tried before.

Many people have such spoiled palettes that natural foods such as fruits and vegetables do not appeal to them. That is okay because with juicing, you can slowly retrain yourself to enjoy things are you were meant to enjoy.

One of the reasons vegetable juicing is preferred in terms of healthfulness over fruits is the lower concentration of sugar. If you are going to consume sugar, at least it is natural fruit sugars but nonetheless some people who much watch their sugar intake will want to consume plenty of vegetables and scale back on the fruits. Talk to your nutritionist so you know how much fruit you could take.

Chlorophyll contained in vegetables do a lot to promote the well being of our bodies. To plants, chlorophyll serves many functions that at this moment are not of our concern. Our concern is the cleansing, antiseptic, cell rejuvenating properties it provides.

The benefits described earlier are actually the functions of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is what carries oxygen in our blood and chlorophyll has such a similar structure many experiments have shown our bodies are able to convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin and that in turn enriches our blood.

The number of benefits from consuming massive amounts of chlorophyll has been increasing with new discoveries. The most obvious ones include increase in blood count, stabilization of sugar levels in the blood, and relief of gastric ulcers. There are also detoxifying and cleansing effects as a result of consuming chlorophyll.

So where does the chlorophyll come from? We know it is in vegetables, and we know that it is what makes vegetables green. So if we just eat green vegetables we will be consuming lots of chlorophyll. To get greater amounts of green in faster time is by consuming foods richest in chlorophyll. These are alfalfa, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass.

Chlorella is especially important as it is high in vitamin B12, something that many vegetarians lack if they are not careful about taking supplements or finding other sources of vitamin B12. It's a vitamin that is found mostly in animal products but is also contained in chlorella. If you can't get a hold of chlorella there are chlorella tablets that many juicers will crush into powder and add to juices. This allows for nutrients to be absorbed into the body most effectively. - 17273

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