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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Are You a Muscle Building Warrior or Wimp?

By Scott Tapp

What type of approach do you take when it comes to weight training and working out?

Do you prepare for that workout?

Do you have your log book with you?

Do you know exactly what you're going to do and how you're going to improve?

I bet you go to the gym because you want to build muscle and burn fat. You want a better looking body, a body that performs better, and one that feels great. If you want all of that, you MUST improve each and every workout. You must lift heavier weights, and/or do more reps on every exercise. You must strive for improvement.

Now, in order to improve each and every workout, you must develop a specific mindset. And you must get your mind in shape for each and every workout. If you are serious about building muscle, you must develop this mindset.

Preparing your mind for weight training is vital. If you fail to prepare your mind and develop this mindset, you are doomed for failure. You'll end up working your butt off and getting nothing in return. No one wants that.

If you want to make progress each workout, build muscle each workout, and get the body you've always wanted, you need to listen up. Don't do what I did and waste years and years of time.

This mentality I speak of is the WARRIOR mentality. The warrior prepares for the battle. The warrior never gives up. The warrior fights until the end. And the warrior is relentless against his/her opponent. Nothing stops the warrior.

When you take that first step into that gym, you hear the doors close behind you. This means it's time to fight. It's time to battle the weights. There's no turning back. You have no fear. You know that you WILL win this war. You get your log book out. And you know you will beat the previous numbers. And you will build muscle.

If you think weight lifting and building muscle is easy, you're in for a surprise. It takes hard work to build muscle. Lifting heavier weight and doing more reps every workout is a battle. And that's why you must prepare your mind. You must never give up. You must prove to your body that it needs more muscle.

If you've lifted weights before, you'll know that there comes a time during each and every set in which your mind warns you to STOP THE SET. Your mind tells you that this is just too much to handle for your current body. Do you think a warrior would quit?

Hell no... A warrior will never quit. A warrior will press on when the going gets tough. A warrior will fight hard and love every second of that fight. A warrior will laugh in the face of defeat and will never accept a loss. No matter what, a warrior will win.

Do you have what it takes to develop the warrior inside you? We all have that warrior hiding inside of us. If you find him/her hiding inside, bring him/her out during those weightlifting workouts, and I guarantee you'll build more muscle than ever before! - 17273

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