Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Get Sexier with the Right Body Building Diets

By Maxburn

Fasting, starvation or deprivation of food are all things most of us think of when the word dieting comes up. In reality, a diet is merely the food choices one makes on a daily basis. For those of us interested in burning fat while we bulid muscle, the choices we make must be on those that help us to repair the tissue that was broken down from workouts.

A great body building diet must be a balanced diet consisting of 40% carbs, 40% proteins and 20% good fats. Depending on whether ones objective is to join a body building program which builds muscle or loses body fat, the calories may be adjusted upward or downward accordingly. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. On a body building diet they can come from sources such as oatmeal, grits, brown rice, sweet potatoes in combination with fibrous carbs like green beans and broccoli. Proteins are the building blocks for our body tissues. Good sources of lean protein include chicken, turkey, tuna and lean red meats. Fats are used by the body to manufacture hormones, lubricate the joints, for brain function, and come from sources such as canned extra virgin olive oil and flax seed oil.

Your body building goals can help you determine the type of diet that is best for you. Careful planning is in order if you are just starting your bodybuilding and fitness program. The best programs include a program for building muscle while burning fat. The plan needs to estimate the calories burned and from this you can determine the number of calories that can consumed. The calorie equation is simple: losing weight demands that calories in must be less than calories out. Male body builders with over10% body fat or female with over 12% should choose a diet that emphasizes fat loss. By focusing on building muscle, the number of calories consumed can gradually be increased since the muscle burns more calories (even at rest) than fat.

After identifying and implementing the proper body building diet and exercise program, the following four diet myths should be kept in mind:

- A diet focused on starvation yields the results.

- Restricting all fat from the diet produces the best results.

- Restricting all fat from the diet produces the best results.

- Consuming too much water makes you gain weight.

A diet designed to build muscle while burning fat should be well planned. This plan should take into account the fact that the calories burned should be greater than the calories consumed. That building lean muscle promotes the expenditure of greater amounts of calories. - 17273

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Blogger cheleymooore121 said...

Fasting, starvation or deprivation of food are all things most of us think of when the word dieting comes up. In reality, a diet is merely the food choices one makes on a daily basis.
MaxBurn Onde Comprar
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November 25, 2011 at 11:19 PM  

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