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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Diet and Exercise So You Look Great on Your Wedding Day

By Mae Summerville

On your wedding day, whether you like it or not, the way you look and the shape you are in will be on full display. Besides admiring guests ogling you in all your wedding finery you will also be immortalized in the hundreds of photos likely taken on that day. So, for better or worse, you will be the center of attention on your wedding day. If you are not happy with your shape or the shape you are in now is the time to act.

You can begin this process by searching the web for information on proper health and nutrition. You can also look at your health habits as well as your spouse's. If you are going to be the main cook your habits will become your spouse's habits. Does he eat healthy or does he need to know why that should become important to both of you. You and he will need to decide your nutritional habits now as they will become each other's once you tie the knot.

You also need to take an honest assessment of your physical health. Are you already overweight? If so, do you want to see your spouse become overweight? Again you and he will have similar health habits once you are married. If you overeat and you continue to cook in similar large portions for your spouse he will likely get overweight quickly. You and he need to decide now what sort of health habits you want to maintain once you are married.

You also need to look at both of your exercise habits. Do you both exercise on a regular basis. If not why not. Again is exercise going to be part of both of your lives? If you and your spouse plan to have a healthy lifestyle beginning an exercise routine now would benefit both of you in that by the time you were married you would both be accustomed to exercise and also the benefits of regular exercise would show on your wedding day. As with diet and nutrition you can find tons of websites that have exercise routines and tips for just about any sort of lifestyle.

Weddings are times of great stress and anxiety. They are also a natural crossroad in which to make changes in your life. They are a chance to redo your life and become not only a better and more healthy person but also doing it in the context of being part of a team with your spouse. Now instead of just your will and desire to become a healthier person someone else has a vested interest in how you look and feel so take advantage of it. - 17273

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