Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fat Loss And Core Strength - A Stable Base Gets Better Results

By Dan Solaris

Life as we know it these days has become more complicated and this has made our list of daily 'to dos' longer. Indeed, the tight schedule most of us keep each day prevents us from maintaining a healthy lifestyle and this is evidenced by recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that says 66% adults in the U.S. are overweight.

The rich, delicious food we have at our disposal 24/7 is also adding to the health crisis facing millions of urban dwellers having trouble with their waistlines. It's very easy for us to grab a few jelly donuts or a heaping plate of chili fries with nary a second thought because ours has become a culture of high-calorie fast food.

Like it or not, the fast food culture is here to stay and it's up to us to practice self-control and stuff our faces with healthier alternatives. Replacing our favorite dip chips with fruits and nuts, mayonnaise with mustard or catsup and yogurt desserts instead of ice cream can do wonders. However, burning-off the excess calories by making it a point to exercise consistently is the most effective weapon to quickly eliminate excess body fat.

Since time is an issue for most people these days, choosing workouts that have the highest efficiency in using-up energy is the key. Countless studies have been done and it's been found that there is a way to burn enough calories each day to bring about fat loss without spending most of your post-work hours in the gym.

Our body packs on the pounds when we regularly consume more calories than we need for our daily activities. Those ugly love handles are filled with stored energy in the form of fat tissue and the only way to get rid of it is by creating a calorie deficit each day.

Experts discovered that high intensity interval training (a combination of 2 types of cardio exercises) consume the most energy in less time. Since we also have to increase our body's metabolism and cannot rely solely on cardio exercises for sustainable fat loss, modifying our muscle-building routines to maximize calorie-burn is also a good technique for achieving rapid fat loss.

Core strengthening exercises are perfect for increasing the amount of caloric energy our bodies use up while developing muscle tissue. Working our body's base- our thighs, buttocks, abdomen and lower back muscle all at the same time will enable us to burn calories faster while improving our posture, balance and endurance.

There are several ways to engage our base muscles and speed-up fat-loss in our workouts. Standing on one foot, while doing curls and presses, or using a Swiss ball as a platform in abdominal exercises will result in instability. The effort made by the core muscles in keeping the body steady results in a more intense workout, a more stable base and ultimately speedier fat loss. - 17273

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