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Monday, March 23, 2009

The Profile of the Superfood Noni Juice

By Edgar Pell

There is a tree in Hawaii that grows to about 20 feet. It actually lives and thrives in the black lava soil left by volcanoes among most tropical islands. The fruit of this tree is known simply as Noni. Although the tree has been cultivated and transplanted in other tropical areas, it thrives best in these volcanic soils near the ocean, producing a crop of fruit all year round. The transplanted and newly cultivated crops in other areas only grow in a shrub like form and do not produce as much as the native plant does.

There is not one part of this tree that cannot be used. The fruit is good for you in many ways, both cooked or raw. The seeds are good for replanting and roasting and the tree bark and leaves are crushed and used in herbal and natural remedies.

Noni juice is sold under many different brand names, but it is usually always mixed with other fruit juices to make the taste acceptable. Noni juice contains 17 of the 20 known amino acids... This includes the 9 amino acids that are essential to a healthy system. Noni Juice also contains mostly all essential fatty acids that are beneficial to healthy skin, healthy nerve cells. These fatty acids also help in keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy.

Glycosides are important in the destruction of free radicals and cancer cell prevention. Limonene is another trace mineral that is found in citrus juices like orange and grapefruit, and also is essential in fighting cancer. Both of these essentials are found in healthy and acceptable amounts in Noni Juice.

Nitric Oxide is also contained in Noni Juice, and it is well proven to assist many different parts of our bodies including normal brain functions, blood cell health, the entire immune system, our lungs and airways, and even healthy heart functioning. In fact, Nitric Oxide is considered to be one of the most important substances that the body needs to heal itself and function correctly... And noni provides a more concentrated source of nitric oxide than most other food sources known.

Pollution in our environment has been an ongoing problem for many, and it's one problem that noni juice can help you with. Breathing in polluted air, drinking polluted water, and eating crops grown in polluted soil has caused many diseases and illness worldwide. Phytonutrients and Polysaccharides have reverse effects on these pollutants, and they also help reverse some of the aging process in humans. They help ward of cancer and destroy free radicals in our systems. There are also trace elements that are found in Noni Juice. As we age the elasticity of our skin diminishes. Hypertension, too, becomes a problem and clots can start to develop. Selenium helps control and reduce these conditions. Selenium is also found in large quantities in Noni Juice.

Last but not least, xeronine is not a substance that the body can store, but it is important in every cell's health. It needs to be supplied daily, since the amount we already have decreases day by day as we get older. Noni Juice just happens to be the world's most concentrated source of Proxeronine, which our bodies easily make into xeronine automatically. Without noni we simply do not get enough of this rare but important nutrient! - 17273

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