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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Benefits of fish oil

By Daniel Fittman

Through the history people, scientists, traditional and homeopathic medicine have "blamed" fish oil for many different health benefits. Some of them turned out to be just a myth but others - like being a source of Omega-3 acids - are widely accepted and today fish oil is prescribed to patients that have Omega-3 fatty acids deficit.

We are what we eat or at least our diet has a bit part in how we feel and are. If our diet is unbalanced, if there is lack of Omega-3 fatty acids we can feel the consequences. The shortage of Omega-3 can lead to heart disease, strokes, Arthritis, cancer, psoriasis and depression. So people with low levels of Omega acids can improve their health or prevent any of the mentioned illnesses by taking supplements like fish oil or fish oil tablets. There are also other Omega-3 supplements out there.

Research over the past few decades has been conducted in order to attest the validity of fish oil as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids and many of the results show that despite the (relatively reduced) side-effects of using this product, its benefits are undeniable.

The main reason that our western diet and cuisine is short on Omega-3 fatty acids is the fact that we do not eat a lot of sea food. Fish, shellfish, seaweed are all sources of these fatty acids. On the other hand our nutrition is rich with the other, not so good type of fatty acids - Omega-6. So until we improve our way of cooking and eating it is wise to take some sort of supplements that will introduce enough Omega-3 in our system.

The Omega-3 essential fatty acids contained in fish oil can help prevent coronary heart disease, Crohns disease, strokes, prostate and colon cancer, kidney malfunctions, lupus. It will also help prevent arteriosclerosis, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest by normalizing the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and maintaining a good cholesterol balance.

Another disease where fish oil can be helpful is the prevention of the onset of schizophrenia. Especially if fish oil is included in the diet of young patients that have only shown the first signs of schizophrenia it seems that fish oil helps control this disease or even reverse the symptoms. Studies on this matter have not been fully confirmed yet.

Good results have also been achieved by using fish oil as a supplement in cases of depression. It has been noted that sometimes depression can be caused by chemical imbalances, and the Omega-3 deficit can manifest itself through an exacerbation of depressive states.

Fish oil has many benefic effects which have been recognized by medical communities worldwide. Even though it is not the all miracle cure that some have deemed it to be in an attempt to extort money from the unsuspecting sufferers looking for a cure for their ailments, fish oil can be a very effective dietary supplement that can help you preserve your good health. - 17273

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